Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) 2023-04-28T09:21:35+00:00 Nurbeti Sinulingga Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) diterbitkan dua kali bulan Januari dan Juli. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi peneliti, peneliti, dan akademisi dalam menyampaikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil riset, gagasan dan pandangan mereka tentang dunia Ekonomi Syariah</p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ISSN Online: 2985-6655&nbsp;</span></span></strong></p> PENGARUH DANA ZAKAT PRODUKTIF TERHADAP KEUNTUNGAN USAHA MUSTAHIK PENERIMA ZAKAT 2023-01-17T09:07:35+00:00 Achmad Zulfikar Siregar Putri Asmara Devi <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Poverty is an economic problem that we have not solved. There has been an ongoing escalation in the number of poor people in Rantau Prapat in recent years. Zakat, as a Muslim obligation once someone reaches Nisab, has a promising potential to become one of its instruments in overcoming poverty with its method of distribution to empower a productive economy. The number of Muslim residents in Semarang has increased every year. Institutions specializing in zakat management were established with the aim of managing zakat, infaq, alms funds so as to ensure the effectiveness of the distribution of zakat funds. The purpose of this study is to find sources, uses and mechanisms for distributing productive zakat managed by the Amil Zakat Board of RantauPrapat City. It is also the aim of this study to analyze the impact of zakat productive funds on business income, business profits and household expenses of zakat recipient households. In collecting data, this study uses a descriptive method to determine the source, use and distribution mechanism of productive zakat funds regulated by the Amil Zakat Agency of Rantau Prapat City and Paired T-Test to analyze the impact of these funds on mustahik business income, business profits and household expenses. To assess the significance of this impact, a simple regression analysis method was used with the help of the SPSS 17 program.</p> 2023-01-14T04:48:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA DI RSU IMELDA PEKERJA INDONESIA 2023-01-17T09:07:35+00:00 Komala Dewi Putri Asmara Devi Putri Nurzannah <p>Umumnya pelayanan kesehatan menempatkan kualitas pelayanan sebagai tujuan utama, hal ini karena kualitas merupakan penunjang utama harapan kinerja organisasi dari pemangku kepentingan perusahaan. Penelitian ini menganalisis Pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kinerja paramedis terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan, paramedis, dan pasien di wilayah Rumah Sakit Imelda Pekerja Indonesia. Dari hasil pengujian model dalam penelitian, dengan menggunakan random teknik pengambilan sampel, analisis model persamaan struktural, dapat dijelaskan hubungan antara kepemimpinan dan keperawatan kinerja terhadap mutu pelayanan di RSU IPI Medan Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan terhadap pelayanan kualitas, pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja keperawatan, dan a pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara kinerja perawat terhadap kualitas pelayanan</p> 2023-01-14T05:12:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) PEMULIHAN EKONOMI INDONESIA PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 DENGAN MENGKOMBINASIKAN MODEL FILANTROPI ISLAM DAN NDEAS MODEL 2023-03-07T05:14:23+00:00 Abdul Malik Ritonga Putri Nurzanah <p><em>This study formulates a model of Indonesia's economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic by combining the Islamic Philanthropy model with The National Domestic Economic Auto-Sustainability Model (NDEAS-MODEL), this research method is in the form of a Library Research, the results of this research are a combination of philanthropy Islam with the NDEAS Model which provides a sustainable model in the form of an economic revival marked by an increase in income and the State of Indonesia to be more efficient in spending so that productivity is higher, income and savings can also increase simultaneously, this is what can reduce production costs because investment equals savings, generate jobs and attract domestic and international investors, food security and national identity and reduce environmental pollution.</em></p> 2023-01-14T06:06:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) SISTEM INFORMASI ANGGARAN PENDAPATAN DAN BELANJA PADA SMP SWASTA AL-IHSAN MEDAN 2023-01-17T09:07:35+00:00 Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Elvika Rahmi <p>Revenue and Expenditure Budget Information System at Al-Ihsan Private Middle School Medan. The purpose of making this final project is to create an effective, efficient, and structured computer-based budgeting system so that it can assist agencies/schools in budgeting. This Budget Information System refers to the preparation and management of budget data at Al-Ihsan Private Middle School Medan. Methods of data collection carried out by writing include observation and interviews. Design of a simulation of calculating the profitability of Visual Basic.Net 2010 and MYSQL as the database.</p> 2023-01-17T08:54:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) SISTEM AKUNTANSI PENERIMAAN DAN PENGELUARAN KAS DI DESA SILIMABANUA 2023-01-17T09:07:35+00:00 Ika Yusnita Sari Siska Dwi Anggraini <p><em>Computers are very well known and have been widely used by society. Even with a computer system, this can Complete all work that has been completed so far manuals. With the development of information technology, then create an information system cash receipts and disbursements with creation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net) to get information that has so far been done manually. System This financial statement information can be done using several programming languages ​​including personal home page Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net). The ability to process data is very important important for the cash receipts and disbursement accounting system Silimabanua Village, North Nias Regency which is engaged in Government. cash receipts and disbursements accounting system Silimabanua Village is currently still using a manual system such as preparation of financial reports cash receipts, cash disbursements and general ledger so needed a helpful change financial administration so that it can complete the work effective and efficient. That's why the author makes a program Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net) which works to provide information to the cash receipts and disbursement accounting system on Silimabanua village</em></p> 2023-01-17T08:59:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI) PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN USAHA MIKRO, KECIL DAN MENENGAH TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI KABUPATEN DELI SERDANG 2023-04-28T09:21:35+00:00 Andrie Soemitra Achmad Zulfikar Siregar Zuhrinal M Nawawi <p><em>Micro, small and medium business (MSME) activities are one of the business fields that can develop and are consistent in the national economy. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a good place for the creation of jobs planned by the government, private sector and individual business actors. As for the purpose of this study is to determine the growth and correlation of micro, small and medium businesses affect the economic growth of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deli Serdang Regency. In this study using quantitative methods, namely analyzing and interpreting relationships between variables through accurate data and the latest in accordance with the problems in the study this by using simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that the growth variable of UMKM (X) has a significant value of</em></p> <p><em>1.97 and the relationship of X and Y can be seen from the value of the Pearson correlation that is equal to 0.690 if we see from the guidelines the degree of Pearson correlation is located in section number 4 namely if the value Pearson correlation 0.61 to 0.80 means the level of relationship between variable X and variable Y is strong correlation.</em></p> 2023-04-27T10:19:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Imelda (JESYI)
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