Accounting System for Cash Receipts and Expenditures, VB.Net 2010.Abstract
Computers are very well known and have been widely used by the public. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done independently so far manually. With the development of information technology, an information system for cash receipts and disbursements was created by
making Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VB. Net) to obtain information that has been done manually. This financial statement information system can be done using several programming languages including the personal home page of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VB. Net). The ability to process data is very important for the cash receipts and disbursements accounting system in Silimabanua Village, North Nias Regency which is engaged in Government. The accounting system for cash receipts and disbursements in Silimabanua Village currently still uses a manual system such as making financial
reports of cash receipts, cash disbursements and general cash books so that it requires changes that help financial administration so that it can complete work effectively and efficiently. That's why the author created a program Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VB. Net) which serves to provide information
to the accounting system for cash receipts and disbursements in Silimabanua Village.
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