• Wahyudin Zega Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Amik Imelda Medan
  • Muhammad Iqbal Panjaitan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Amik Imelda Medan
Keywords: Information Systems for Loans and Payments for Financial Services, Visual Basic, Mysql


The development of technology, especially computers at this time has a very important role in people's lives. Technology that develops according to the demands of the times is expected to be a supporting tool to deal with problems that arise in managing and solving problems that exist in the company or organization. So an application is designed using Visual Basic and Mysql which is expected to be able to facilitate all activities of fostered partners who make loans and payments so that they can be recorded efficiently. As well as minimizing errors that occur in manual systems such as in the presentation of information that is less fast and the accuracy of the data is less guaranteed. This study aims to analyze the weaknesses and needs of the design of information systems for lending services and financial payments of fostered partners at PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) tbk. belmera branch, to be given a proposal in the form of a computer-based loan and payment information system design that can also meet the needs of the office.


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How to Cite
Wahyudin Zega, & Muhammad Iqbal Panjaitan. (2019). SISTEM INFORMASI LAYANAN PEMINJAMAN DAN PEMBAYARAN KEUANGAN MITRA BINAAN PADA PT. JASA MARGA (PERSERO) TBK. CABANG BELMERA. JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), 2(2), 110-115. Retrieved from