Information System, Tuition Payment, WEBAbstract
An information system is a method that is widely used by an organization to process, manage, update, store, and display data so that it makes it easier for the organization to achieve its goals. In the world of education in Indonesia, teachers play an important role in the intellectual life of the nation. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an assessment of teacher performance in order to create a higher quality education. Currently the payment of tuition fees is still done manually so it takes a relatively longer time and the resulting data is relatively difficult to store. With the accounting information system for paying school fees for elementary school. N 060843 this field, the teacher performance assessment
can be carried out in real time and the existing data is stored directly into a database so that it can be displayed and used when needed. Based on the problems that occur, the authors of the Accounting Information System for Elementary School Tuition Payments. N 060843 Medan to facilitate data collection, data search, assessment process, and report generation.
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