Village Funds, Reports, WEBAbstract
The purpose of this final project is to create an information system application for reporting Hilindrasoniha village funds in order to facilitate the Village Government in managing village funds by using a computer-based system application in an effective, efficient, and structured manner so that it can help the work of the village head and reduce fraudulent actions. In making the application of the Hilindrasoniha village fund reporting information system, what is done is to analyze the village funds associated with the above processes and then design the village fund report. The design method used is to design a Flowchart, DVD and screen display. The results of the research are poured into the village fund reporting system which is expected to provide convenience in processing data and making reports that can help Hilindrasoniha Village in analyzing and making decisions. With the use of the village fund reporting system, which is designed to be a useful facility for the company and can overcome the problems that have been faced so far.
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