Website Based Perlu Tukang Application Partner Data Management


  • Bella Dwi Ariska Universitas Imelda Medan


Application data processing Need Builder, php, mysql


Craftsman is one of the most anticipated business fields in Medan. Along with the development of the population, the population needs a place to live. Today many people who make carpenter as a job. However, the community still has many difficulties in finding the services of a handyman, due to the lack of information about handyman service providers.

With the application, it is easier for the community to get job information. However, business owners of the Required Builder Application sometimes have difficulty in adjusting and processing the data entered in the Required Builder Application.

Through the Data Processing Website, the Application Partner Needs a Builder, business owners can more easily obtain data that meets certain criteria, to manage the data in the application, a handyman needs to use a website, PHP web programming language, HTML Markup language and CSS as a processing language. website design that will be created, and will use the MySQL application as a place to store the database of this website.


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How to Cite

Ariska, B. D. (2023). Website Based Perlu Tukang Application Partner Data Management. JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), 6(01), 13–18. Retrieved from