Implementation of Marketing Technology in Improving MSME Products in Medan City


  • Ika Yusnita Sari Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Putri Asmara Devi Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Elvika Rahmi Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Siddik Karo-karo Universitas Imelda Medan


MSME Products Marketing Technology


One of the industrial potentials that is the basis of the economy in Medan City is Fashion. Based on data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics Medan city in 2020 that there are 6 groups of tofu industrial centers and not yet there is a group of salted egg industrial centers. On the other hand, the population of the city of Medan from year to year has increased so that it will add to the problem new unemployment if not offset by creating new industries or developing small businesses that already exist. SMEs that have the potential to currently developing in Klaten district, namely white tofu and salted egg SMEs. The Fashion with MSMEs is that marketing is still done traditionally by using human power so as to develop into a large will experience difficulty. To overcome these problems, technology is needed which can increase and expand the reach of marketing, thus developing faster. One of the technologies that is developing very rapidly now is by use marketing technology. Marketing technology is a type of trading that use the internet to make transactions. The method used in making this marketing technology, namely the Web Engineering Method(WEM) which consists of acquisition, orientation phase, identification phase, design phase, phase realization, and implementation phase. The benefits obtained by implementing marketing technology for MSMEs, namely being able to do marketing with a wide range broader without being limited by distance and time, communication between MSME managers and consumers can do with the internet so that it is faster and cheaper, and data production, consumer, and profit recorded in a manner automatic


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How to Cite

Sari, I. Y. ., Devi , P. A. ., Rahmi, E. ., & Karo-karo, S. . (2023). Implementation of Marketing Technology in Improving MSME Products in Medan City. JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), 6(01), 1–5. Retrieved from