Sistem Informasi E-learning Pada SMK Pariwisata Imelda Medan
The e-learning system with its various advantages is currently the main choice for academics to make new learning in the teaching and learning process in the field of education and is an alternative way that is suitable to be applied in order to understand the subject matter at this time. E-learning is a type of teaching and learning that allows students to convey teaching materials using internet media, Intranets or other computer network media. Through the system, students more easily access subjects, assignments and other information entered by the teacher into the e-learning system. So students can access easily,anytime and anywhere. Through the system, an additional learning interaction will be formed between the teacher and students. besides face-to-face interactions in the classroom. With this interaction can enrich the teaching and learning system and improve the quality of education at Imelda Tourism Vocational School Medan. The design and implementation results show that the system works well.
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