Sistem Perhitungan Dana Desa Kantor Camat Medan Timur
System of fund calculation, observation, visual basic.netAbstract
The East Medan Sub-District Office is one of the community service centers in North Sumatra, where in the calculation of village funds the author can analyze the running system which is still using Microsoft Excel-based applications and stored in an irregular folder. Based on this, the author is interested in raising the issue with the title "Village Fund Calculation System East Medan Sub-District Office" by visualizing basic.Net. The research method used by the author is by
observation. The data used are quantitative data and qualitative data.Data collection techniques are done through interviews andobservation. From the results of the research, it is known that the application designed can facilitate users in calculating village funds and has used storage such as MySQL that can accommodate a lot of data and can save time and avoid recording errors.
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