
  • Edward Robinson Siagian Universitas Budidarma Medan
  • Edward Robinson Siagian Universitas Budidarma Medan


Simulation, Fan, Wind, Backpropagation


The development of the field of computer programming has brought many advantages, especially in terms of the ease and practicality of using tools that are connected to a computer. Allows these tools to be controlled from a computer. The tool can be maximized and can more quickly control it
according to the user's wishes. The fan is for air conditioners, air fresheners, dryers (usually using heat-generating components). Fans are also found in vacuum cleaners and various ornaments for room decoration, the fan serves to keep the air temperature from going over the set temperature limit. In everyday life can be found various types of simulations. Simulation is a process of imitating something real and its surroundings (state of affairs). The action of doing this simulation generally describes the key characteristics of the behavior of a physical system or an abstract system. The development of the field of computer programming has many advantages, especially in terms of the ease and practicality of using devices connected to computers. Allows these tools to be controlled from a computer. The tool can be maximized and can more quickly control it according to the user's wishes. The fan is for air conditioners, air fresheners, dryers (usually using heat-generating components). Fans are also found in vacuum cleaners and various ornaments for room decoration, the fan serves to keep the air temperature from going over the set temperature limit. In everyday life can be found various types of simulations. Simulation is a process of imitating something real and its surroundings (state of affairs). The act of performing this simulation generally describes the key characteristics of the behavior of a particular physical system or abstract system.


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How to Cite

Siagian , E. R. ., & Siagian , E. R. . (2021). PERANCANGAN APLIKASI SIMULASI PENGATURAN KECEPATAN KIPAS ANGIN DENGAN METODE BACKPROPAGATION. JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), 4(2), 1–6. Retrieved from