Perancangan Sistem Informasi Peserta Keluarga Berencana di Perwakilan BKKBN Sumatera Utara Berbasis Visual Basic (VB) Net


  • Denni M Rajagukguk Denni
  • Mamed Rofendi Manalu


System, Information, BKKBN, KB, Design


The Family Planning and Reproductive Health Program is implemented to regulate the number of children, the spacing of children's births according to the wishes and without elements from any party. Thus, a healthy, prosperous and quality family will be realized. Services in this unit aim to ensure the smooth running and satisfaction of family planning participants at the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Representative. The BKKBN is in charge of carrying out government duties in the field of family planning and prosperous families. The BKKBN used to have a slogan that two children are enough, boys and girls are the same. Manual data management has many weaknesses besides taking a long time, its accuracy is not acceptable because it allows errors to occur. With these problems, a system was created to facilitate the process of storing data on family planning participants. Problems that are often encountered are registration that is quite long for family planning participants who still use the manual system and the ineffectiveness of family planning data management at the North Sumatra BKKBN Representative. The aim is to implement a new system that will make it easier for employees to input data, search data, and store data on family planning participants.


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How to Cite

Denni, D. M. R., & Mamed Rofendi Manalu. (2021). Perancangan Sistem Informasi Peserta Keluarga Berencana di Perwakilan BKKBN Sumatera Utara Berbasis Visual Basic (VB) Net. JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), 4(2), 7–11. Retrieved from