Visitor Behavior, Entrepreneurial EthicsAbstract
This study aims to find out how the behavior of visitors to the ethics of entrepreneurs at Silangit Airport. This research collects data by giving a set of questions or written questions to respondents to be answered by respondents. After collecting the data, the data was processed using the descriptive method and after that
various statistical tests and simple correlation analysis were carried out. The results of the regression analysis obtained the following equation: Y = 0.384 + 0.463.X, which means that visitor behavior is influenced by entrepreneurial ethics. The results of the regression analysis also obtained a coefficient of
determination (R2) of 0.643, this means that 64.3% of visitor behavior variables are influenced by entrepreneurial ethics, while the remaining 35.7% is influenced by other variables, such as communication, facilities and infrastructure, and the environment.Visitors' behavior has a positive effect on Entrepreneurial
Ethics at Silangit airport, this is evident from the results of the t-test which obtained tcount X = 6.142 accepted at a significance level of 5%. The results of the coefficient of determination test obtained an R2 value of = 0.643 which indicates that the visitor behavior variable affects the ethics of entrepreneurs by 35.7%, the rest is influenced by other variables not examined, such as communication, facilities and infrastructure, and the environment.
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