Economic Surplus, Oil Palm Plantations, Community WelfareAbstract
The development of oil palm plantations is essentially rural-oriented economic development. Bandar Pasir Mandoge district with its rural base is the 2nd largest plantation center in Asahan Regency. This becomes a great potential for high income of people from these commodities. The approach usedin this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that is a study that intends to understand the phenomena of what is experienced by the research subject such as behavior, perception, motivation,action, etc. holistically and by way of description in the form of words and language in a special context that is natural and by utilizing various natural methods. The results of this study show that the ability of economic relaionship between communities in Bandar Pasir Mandoge District, Asahan
Regency is still strong. This is evident from the mutually needy and mutually beneficial relationship between the role of society as workers, farmers and entrepreneurs. But there is still income inequality between workers, farmers and employers. This happens for several reasons, first the people in this
sub-district do not get the same opportunity to take part in the process of improving their economy, because people who come from low economies do not have enough land and capital to develop oil palm plantation businesses.
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