Perancangan Aplikasi Perhitungan Pajak Tahunan PPH Pasal 21 Pada Badan Kesatuan Bangsa Politik Dan Perlindungan Masyarakat Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Bakesbangpollinmas, Application, TaxAbstract
A new era in the world of organizations appears in line with the introduction of the terms information technology and information systems, namely how an organization is both oriented and interacts using computer equipment, applications and telecommunications facilities to significantly improve its performance. The development of science and information technology has covered the world community today. As part of the world community, we certainly do not want to miss the technology and information that is developing. There are many ways that can be taken to know the current technological developments.
One way is to use computers as a means for processing data and information. Likewise with the National Political Unity and Community Protection Agency for the North Sumatra Provincial Government which still has many difficulties in processing employee annual tax data to minimize time and costs in its operations. Therefore, the author tries to design an application for calculating the annual income tax article 21 at the National Political and Community Protection Agency for the North Sumatra Provincial Government by using visual basic 6.0 and Ms. Access, this application can manage tax calculation data and overcome existing difficulties.
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