Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Dalam Memperolah Average Waiting Time Pada Penjadualan Round Robin


  • Harni Seven Adinata Komputerisasi Akuntansi, AMIK Imelda
  • Monang Juanda Tua Sihombing Komputerisasi Akuntansi, AMIK Imelda


Round Robin, Genetic Algorithm


The Average Waiting Time value in round robin scheduling is influenced by the quantum time value given randomly, so that the CPU scheduling
is not maximal. In this study, Genetic Algorithms are applied to determine the quantum time value in order to determine the minimum
Average Waiting Time value, so that the optimal solution is achieved in solving classic Round Robin scheduling problems. In this study the
application of Genetic Algorithms using parameter values consists of population: 2, number of generations: 2. In this study obtained AWT 12
milliseconds with fitness value 0.18388.



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How to Cite

Harni Seven Adinata, & Monang Juanda Tua Sihombing. (2018). Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Dalam Memperolah Average Waiting Time Pada Penjadualan Round Robin . JITA (Journal of Information Technology and Accounting), 1(2), 100–109. Retrieved from