Perancangan Dan Implementasi e-Journal Menggunakan Open Journal System Pada Journal of Information Technology and Accounting (JITA)
e-Journal, Open Journal System, JITAAbstract
Journal of Information Technology and Accounting (JITA) is a scientific journal managed by LPPM AMIK Imelda, JITA is one of the media of AMIK
Imelda's academic community to conduct "assimilation" process of research and community service. The challenge of LPPM as the institution that
oversees JITA is how to make JITA management more effective and efficient. The stages of this research are the software requirements specification,
software design, software development, and software testing. Tests conducted by editorial teams ranging from call papers to publications, all
procedures published publications of scientific work successfully done on JITA e-journal, e-journal has succeeded the functional requirements of the
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