Value Information System Design Web Based Academic At Triseta Education

  • Kristina Bu’ulolo Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Denni M Rajagukguk Universitas Imelda Medan


In the millennial era that is increasingly sophisticated in technology, information systems in the business world are needed, both for internal and external parties of the company. Information systems can provide valid data to make it easier for interested parties to know the condition of the company or business being run by the company. However, there are still some companies that still use simple (manual) information systems so that consumers and parents of students must come to the location or place of learning. Moving on from the problems above, the researcher aims to build an information system for computerized academic grades checking, recording and reporting of student grade data. In addition, by being web-based, data information can be accessed at any time. This application uses XAMPP as a web server for system design and MySQL as a database. The design of the login menu consisting of the IT department, supervisor and user/admin has separate access when opening the application so that program security is maintained. This system works to enter and store data, student assessment processes and student final grade reports so that it is easier to find out student grade information that will be submitted by the school. Research has produced a value processing system that helps the work of administration and homeroom teachers and can make it easier for users to process values ​​so that value management can be processed more efficiently and effectively, so that it can be directly accessed and value information can be conveyed properly. In addition, the system interface is implemented according to the existing report card display so that the system can be used easily and produces accurate value calculations.


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