Simulasi Terbaik Dalam Persediaan Komponen Darah Menggunakan Metode Monte Carlo

  • Ika Yusnita Sari Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Fajar Maulana Universitas Imelda Medan


The supply of blood components requires care that must be considered. Especially at the Red Cross Indonesian Blood Donation Unit (UDD). In fulfilling the demands of every hospital that requires blood, it often experiences a vacuum in the supply of blood components. This happened because of the difficulty in predicting the demand and supply of blood components in UDD PMI. The purpose of this study is to assist in predicting the processing of blood component inventory data so that blood components are always available to meet blood demand. The method used is the Monte Carlo method. With Monte Carlo simulations it can be calculated using random numbers (random) as one of the input values so as to produce an output value which is a value which approaches the prediction of real data. Furthermore, the data managed are the blood component inventory data from 2016 to 2018. The results of the simulation calculation using the Monte Carlo method become predictions in producing blood component supplies in the future. So that the accuracy value in the prediction truth will be obtained. With an average accuracy rate of 93.1%. Then the system in predicting the supply of blood components can be used in UDD PMI. The results of the simulation of blood component inventory using the Monte Carlo method can meet the demand for blood components in the future. So that there is no shortage of blood components in UDD PMI.
