• Rimmar Siringo Ringo Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Universitas Imelda Medan


Medan is the largest metropolitan city outside Java and the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya, which has a comprehensive service from one location to another. Lack of information is often difficult to find the route and the number of public transport track the most optimum to travel from one location to another, because of the large number of public transport and existing route, causing many choices of paths that can be taken. By just looking
at a map and ask others, someone will take a long time to determine the types of public transit and public transportation route number that has the shortest distance to the destination location and sometimes the information may be inaccurate. In this study, the system to find the shortest distance between locations using the Generate and Test. The method work Generate and Test is a merger between Depth - First Search by backtracking, in which a solution must be raised in full prior to the test and also called backtracking procedures for when no knot that can be raised on one track and a solution has not been found then done
backtracking to the nearest node. The system is built using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. The result of this system is in the form of a list of these public transport, public transportation


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