JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI <p align="justify">Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Februari dan September. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi para peneliti, praktisi dan akademisi dalam menyampaikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil riset, gagasan dan pandangan mereka tentang Farmasi.</p> <p><strong>Online ISSN: 2597-7164 Print ISSN: 2655-3147</strong></p> en-US nurbetisinulingga14@gmail.com (Nurbeti Sinulingga) Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:24:32 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENGARUH KONSENTRASI PELARUT TERHADAP AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN SEDIAAN SERUM EKSTRAK KULIT BUAH NAGA MERAH (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1562 <p>The skin of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) contains active substances that are useful for extracting in making natural serums. Antioxidants, one of the important compounds in serum that can protect the skin and capture free radicals. This study aims to prove the presence of antioxidants in serum made from red dragon fruit peel extract, and to compare the effect of using 70% and 96% ethanol solvents on the physical properties and antioxidant activity of the serum. The extraction method used was maceration extraction, by testing the flavonoid content and free ethanol content in the extract. The physical properties of the serum were tested including organoleptics, pH, homogeneity, viscosity, spreadability and stickiness. Meanwhile, antioxidant activity was tested using the UV-VIS spectrophotometric method. The research results show that red dragon fruit peel extract contains flavonoids with orange and red colors, and does not have an ester odor. Serum preparations from 70% and 96% ethanol extracts have semisolid form, characteristic odor, color differences, pH 5, homogeneous, with viscosities of 464 cPs and 341 cPs respectively. The spreadability of the serum is 7.1 cm and 9.7 cm, while the adhesive power is 0.88 and 0.93. The serum antioxidant activity of 70% and 96% ethanol extracts was 39.59 µg/mL and 45.87 µg/mL. The 70% ethanol extract serum meets the standard physical properties of serum and has stronger antioxidant activity compared to the 96% ethanol extract serum, indicated by the lower IC50 value. Flavonoids, as antioxidant compounds, have various types and different polarities depending on the position and number of hydroxyl groups.</p> Muhammad Ilman Fatah, Tya Muldiyana , Kusnadi Kusnadi Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1562 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:58:47 +0000 LITERATUR REVIEW: BEBERAPA FORMULASI DARI ASAP CAIR https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1253 <p>Liquid smoke is the result of condensation or direct combustion produced from materials containing lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and other carbon compounds. Based on the literature read, it turns out that there are many contents of liquid smoke, one of which is as a preservative. The method used in this research is the literature review method where this method can help in terms of inputting data in detail and clearly. The results of this study state that liquid smoke can be used in preservative, antibacterial and deodorizing latex preparations. The purpose of this research is to find out how many uses for liquid smoke so that it can be used in everyday life. The conclusion in this study is that liquid smoke is most widely used in preservatives which distinguishes the method used in the form of a literature review.</p> Nilsya Febrika Zebua, Syarifah Nadia, Elviana Elviana Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1253 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:59:08 +0000 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN SIKAP PENGGUNAAN TABLET Fe PADA WANITA DALAM PENCEGAHAN STUNTING DI RW 012 DESA SUKAMEKAR https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1523 <p>Iron or Fe deficiency is still a micronutrient problem in the world, especially in Indonesia. The cause of iron deficiency is lack of knowledge and unsupportive attitudes. The aim of the research is to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards using Fe tablets among women in preventing stunting in RW 012 Sukamekar Village. The research uses an analytical survey method through a cross sectional approach, namely collecting data all at once or at one time. The data collection technique is through distributing questionnaires, the technique used to determine the sample in this research is Non Random Sampling, using a Purposive sampling technique. The results of this research from 75 respondents showed knowledge of the use of Fe tablets in women in preventing stunting in RW 012 Sukamekar Village, 30 (40%) had sufficient knowledge, 29 (38.7%) people had a good attitude. Bivariate analysis obtained a p value of 0.024 (&lt;p=0.005). The conclusion from this research is that there is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards using Fe tablets among women in preventing stunting in RW 012 Sukamekar Village with a p-value of 0.024.</p> Anisa Suryanih, Silfera Indra Yanti, Maratun Shoaliha Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1523 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:59:26 +0000 OPTIMASI FORMULA DAN UJI EVALUASI FISIK SEDIAAN ESSENCE KOMBUCHA DENGAN VARIASI KONSENTRASI PROPYLENGLIKOL DAN GLISERIN https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1518 <p>Skin problems can be treated with several cosmetic products such as essence. Essence is a skin care product that is part of skincare. Essence is a cosmetic product that has added value and optimal effects, namely as a humectant, ultraviolet protector, whitening agent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin rejuvenator. This Research using experimental method and aims to determine the optimal concentration of propylene glycol and glycerin in the optimum preparation of kombucha essence. In the results of the SLD method, 28 solutions were obtained, then for formula optimization the composition ratio between Propylene glycol and Glycerin was chosen as 11.5: 8.25 with a desirability value of 1.00. The resulting predicted values ​​are a pH test of 5.255 and a viscosity test of 546.7. The analysis used a parametric sample t-test which showed that the results were not significantly different. This is shown by the value (p&gt;0.05), so the results above indicate that the kombucha essence formula before and after the stability test was carried out obtained stable pH and viscosity values ​​during storage based on the parametric sample t-test. The research results showed that the essence preparation made had an optimal formula in formula 3, namely transparent white, had a pH within the range so it was safe for the skin, was homogeneous and a viscosity value of 528.7 cp.</p> Yuyun Darma Ayu Ningrum, Aries Badrus Sholeh, Amelianingrum Ramadhini Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1518 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:00:08 +0000 UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIKOLESTEROL EKSTRAK DAUN KETEPENG CINA (Cassia alata L.) TERHADAP PENURUNAN KADAR KOLESTEROL MENCIT PUTIH JANTAN (Mus musculus L.) https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1569 <p>High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and type 2 diabetes. One potential plant for traditional medicine to lower cholesterol levels is <em>Cassia alata</em> L. <em>Cassia alata </em>L. is known to contain flavonoid compounds, suspected to act as cholesterol-lowering agents in the body. This study aimed to determine the anti-cholesterol activity of <em>Cassia alata</em> L. in reducing cholesterol levels in male white mice (<em>Mus musculus</em> L.). The research employed an experimental design, utilizing the maceration method with 96% ethanol as the solvent for extraction. Male white mice aged 3-4 months, weighing 20-30 grams, were used as test subjects. The first group served as the positive control using simvastatin suspension, the second group as the negative control using 0.5% Na CMC solution, the third group received <em>Cassia alata </em>L. extract at a concentration of F1 (10%), F2 (20%), F3 (30%). Data analysis was performed using One Way Anova. &nbsp;The results of the One-way Anova test obtained F count 31.192 &gt; F table 3.48 and sig. value of 0.000 &lt;0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which can be concluded that there is an effect of anticholesterol activity on <em>Cassia alata </em>L. extract. concentration of 10%, 20%, and 30%. Then in the Post Hoc Test using LSD, K (+) showed the same results as F3 (30%) with a significant value of 0.54 so that p&gt;0.05 which showed no significant difference in anticholesterol effectiveness between K (+) and F3 (30%). The results revealed that <em>Cassia alata </em>L. extract at concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30% exhibited activity in reducing cholesterol levels, which is F3 (30%) demonstrating the most significant cholesterol-lowering effect. This is attributed to the presence of flavonoid compounds in the <em>Cassia alata </em>L. extract.</p> Nisa Khoirila, Muhammad Walid Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1569 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:00:28 +0000 UJI EFEKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DARI KOMBINASI EKSTRAK DAUN STEVIA (Stevia rebaudiana (bertoni) bertoni) DAN DAUN TEH HIJAU (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE DPPH (1,1- Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil) https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1502 <p>The stevia plant is known to have various benefits in the pharmaceutical field and is used as a health medicine because of its antioxidant, antifungal and non-carcinogenic effects. Green tea is a plant that contains various antioxidant compounds that are beneficial for health. The aim of this research is to determine whether the combination of stevia leaf extract and green tea leaves is effective as an antioxidant. Ethanol extract of stevia leaves and green tea leaves is made by maceration with 96% ethanol solvent, combination extract has blackish green. The ethanol extract of stevia leaves and green tea leaves was screened for phytochemical compounds. Antioxidant effectiveness was tested using the DPPH (1,1 Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl) method, with varying concentrations of 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 40 ppm and 50 ppm. Then Antioxidant activity test by DPPH measured using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of screening for phytochemical compounds show that stevia leaf extract contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and tannins. Meanwhile, the results of screening for phytochemical compounds in green tea leaf extract contain alkaloids, steroids, saponins, flavonoids and tannins. The research results showed that antioxidant levels in the combination of Stevia leaf extract and green tea leaves with concentrations of 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 40 ppm, 50 ppm with a ratio of (1:1) had an IC<sub>50</sub> analysis result of 10 ppm of 19.90 mg/L, 20 ppm is 12.90 mg/L, 30 ppm is 9.60 mg/L. 40 ppm is 6.80 mg/L. 50 ppm is 6.60 mg/L where a concentration of 50 ppm is classified as a very strong antioxidant. The antioxidant effect of the combination of stevia leaf extract and green tea leaves is still higher than vitamin C. The combination of stevia leaves xtract and green tea leaves has antioxidant effectiveness.</p> Sri Rezeki Samosir, Novycha Auliafendri, Marlina Iva Naibaho Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1502 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:00:47 +0000 POTENSI NIOSOMAL GEL SEBAGAI PENGHANTARAN OBAT ANTIINFLAMASI MELALUI SISTEM PENGHANTARAN TRANSDERMAL https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1612 <p>Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most popular drugs used, and the WHO model lists essential medicines due to their efficacy in reducing pain and inflammation. Orally administered is prone to causing adverse reactions, while injections administered are not conducive to self-administration of the drug because the patient feels uncomfortable, thereby reducing patient compliance. Transdermal delivery is one solution because it has the potential to improve the safety profile and increase the drug's bioavailability. The use of drug delivery systems based on colloidal particulate carriers such as niosomes has advantages over conventional dosage forms because these particles can act as a reservoir containing the drug and can increase penetration. Based on the discussion presented, gel-based niosomes formulations in various research results show better drug release and permeation through the skin compared to conventional formulations. The presence of cholesterol and surfactant components plays an important role in helping drug permeation through the skin in terms of increasing the number of permeating drug molecules and the depth of permeation that occurs. Hydrogel-forming polymers are the first choice for loading niosomes because they are biocompatible and easy to obtain. Carpobol is the polymer most chosen because of its ability to spread easily, forming homogeneous and transparent preparations.</p> Fith Khaira Nursal, Nining Nining Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1612 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:01:02 +0000 GAMBARAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA FARMASI TENTANG OBAT GENERIK DAN OBAT PATEN DI UNIVERSITAS IMELDA MEDAN https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1577 <p>Obat Generik adalah obat dengan nama resmi <em>International Non Propietary Name</em> (INN) yang ditetapkan dalam Farmakope Indonesia atau buku standar lainnya untuk zat berkhasiat yang dikandungnya. Obat paten adalah obat baru yang ditemukan berdasarkan riset industri farmasi yang diberi hak paten untuk memproduksi dan memasarkannya setelah melalui berbagai tahapan uji klinis. Mutu obat generik tidak berbeda dengan obat paten karena bahan bakunya sama. Pada umumnya konsumen atau masyarakat lebih tertarik untuk mengkonsumsi produk obat bermerek/produk dagang dibandingkan produk generik, hal itu disebabkan adanya anggapan bahwa obat generik mutunya lebih rendah daripada produk yang bermerek/dagang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa sarjana farmasi di Universitas Imelda Medan tentang obat generik dan obat paten. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan kuesioner dibagikan kepada responden. Sampel berjumlah 67 mahasiswa aktif dari tingkat 1, 2, 3 dan 4. Teknik <em>sampling</em> dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>probability sampling</em> yaitu <em>stratified random sampling. </em>Analisa data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan menampilkan persentase tingkat pengetahuan 76-100% tingkat pengetahuan baik, 56-75% tingkat pengetahuan cukup dan &lt;55% tingkat pengetahuan kurang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran pengetahuan mahasiswa sarjana farmasi tentang obat generik dan obat paten di Universitas Imelda Medan dikategorikan baik. Hal ini disebabkan dari data yang diperoleh sebanyak 66 responden (98,5%) memiliki pengetahuan baik dan 1 responden (1,5%) memiliki pengetahuan cukup.</p> Hartika Samgryce Siagian, Sri Rezeki Samosir, Roby Pahala Januario Gultom Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1577 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:01:36 +0000 PEMBUATAN DAN EVALUASI GRANUL EFFERVESCENT VITAMIN C https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1617 <p>Vitamin C is a compound with the molecular formula &nbsp;and the chemical name <em>2-oxo-L-threo-hexono-1,4-lactone-2,3-enediol</em>. Vitamin C can improve the immune system and as an antioxidant can prevent and treat infections and various other diseases, by fighting bacteria, viruses and fungal diseases. Vitamin C in the form of effervescent granules is an alternative to consuming vitamins for someone who has difficulty swallowing medication in tablets, pills or capsules. This research aims to determine the evaluation results of making vitamin C effervescent granules through several evaluations including determining the real specific gravity, compressible specific gravity, compressibility, and dispersion time tests for effervescent granules. The research method was experimental which was carried out at the Pharmacy Laboratory, Faculty of Health, Muhammadiyah University, Gresik. Based on the evaluation results, the real specific gravity was 0.58 g/mL, the compressible specific gravity was 0.67 g/mL, the compressibility was 13.4% and the dispersion time was ± 4.31 minutes. Based on these results, the vitamin C effervescent granule formula that has been made has very good flow properties as seen from the compressibility of the effervescent granules below 15%, and the granule dispersion time is in the good category because the time required is ≤ 5 minutes.</p> Anis Faidah, Janatun Na'imah Copyright (c) 2024 JIFI (Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Imelda) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALFARMASI/article/view/1617 Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:41:00 +0000