
  • Nova Linda Rambe Universitas Imelda Medan
  • Melly Savira Universitas Imelda Medan



Back Pain, Midwifery Care, Pragnancy Women


Back pain was a frequent complaint of expectant mothers who entered the age of trimester III. The complaint of back pain caused by the swelling of the uterus that causes muscle strain, and causes back pain. The purpose of this study is to administer obstetric care in pregnanat mothers with complaint of back pain through a cumulative approach to the varney bstetric management midwife. This Research used a case study to explore problems. The research subject was Mrs. N G1P0A0. The study was conducted in Mei 2021, in the Clinic Nana Diana Jl. Veteran, street.VIII Medan. Data collection techniques include primary data including physical examination, interviews, observation and secondary data, including documentation and literature study. Data analysis is done by making a narrative from the results of interviews and examinations using Varney's 7 steps. Midwifery care in the case of Mrs. "N" is women pregnancy with problom back pain using Varney's management principles, and from the care provided discussed differences and gaps between theory and practice. The conclusion of the study is that there is no gap between the theory and the practice land in midwifery care in Mrs. N.


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How to Cite

Rambe, N. L., & Savira, M. . (2022). STUDI KASUS: ASUHAN KEBIDANAN DALAM MASA NIFAS DENGAN MASTITIS. Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda, 8(2), 48–52.