Pemberian ASI eksklusif adalah intervensi paling efektif untuk mencegah kematian anak namun menurut Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI), tingkat pemberian ASI eksklusif telah menurun selama dekade terakhir. Puskesmas Kota Rantauprapat mempunyai cakupan ASI eksklusif pada tahun 2013 paling rendah dibandingkan puskesmas yang lainnya, yakni sebesar 11,50%. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Puskesmas Kota Rantauprapat Kabupaten Labuhan batu Tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 7-12 bulan sebanyak 710 orang, sedangkan sampel sebanyak 106 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara. Analisa data dengan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan p=0,014<0,05,artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. di Puskesmas Kota Rantauprapat. Disarankan kepada Petugas kesehatan Puskesmas Kota Rantauprapat agar lebih meningkatkan upaya cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif melalui penyuluhan langsung kepada ibu hamil dan diharapkan dapat didampingi oleh suami, sehingga suami dapat memberikan dukungan kepada ibu dalam pemberian ASI ekslusif.
Kata Kunci : Dukungan Suami, ASI Eksklusif
Exclusive breastfeeding is the most effective intervention to prevent child deaths but according to the Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (SDKI), the rate of exclusive breastfeeding has declined over the past decade. Rantauprapat City Health Center had the lowest exclusive breastfeeding coverage in 2013 compared to other health centers, which was 11.50%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between husband's support and exclusive breastfeeding at the Rantauprapat City Health Center in Labuhan Batu Regency in 2016. The type of analytic survey research was cross sectional approach. The population is all mothers who have babies aged 7-12 months as many as 710 people, while the sample is 106 people. Data collection is done by interview. Data analysis with Chi Square. The results showed p = 0.014 <0.05, meaning that there was a significant relationship between husband's support and exclusive breastfeeding. at the Rantauprapat City Health Center. It is recommended to health workers in the City of Rantauprapat Health Center to further increase efforts to provide exclusive breastfeeding through direct counseling to pregnant women and hopefully be accompanied by her husband, so that the husband can provide support to mothers in exclusive breastfeeding.
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