Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda 2024-10-02T09:35:14+00:00 Nurbeti Sinulingga, S.Sos Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Februari dan September. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi para peneliti, praktisi dan akademisi dalam menyampaikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil riset, gagasan dan pandangan mereka tentang dunia Kebidanan.</p> <p><strong>Online ISSN: 2597-7180 Print ISSN: 2442-8116</strong></p> HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN IBU TENTANG GIZI DENGAN POLA PEMBERIAN MAKAN PADA BALITA DI UPTD PUSKESMAS DAWAN I KLUNGKUNG 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Luh Made Artini Ni Nyoman Budiani Ni Made Dwi Mahayati <p>Toddler nutrition is a health problem. Nutritional knowledge can influence toddler feeding patterns so that it can improve toddler nutrition. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge about nutrition and feeding patterns for toddlers at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit of the Dawan I Klungkung Community Health Center. This type of quantitative research uses correlation analytical methods with a cross-sectional approach. The research was conducted March 3rd week to April 3rd week of 2024. Samples were taken using the proportional sampling method totaling 97 respondents. The research instrument uses a questionnaire via Google Form. The results of univariate data analysis were that the mother had a good level of knowledge (79%) and appropriate feeding patterns (90,7%) while bivariate analysis using the contingency test obtained a p value &lt;0,05. The conclusion of this research is that there is a relationship between mothers' knowledge about toddler nutrition and toddler feeding patterns. It is hoped that the Dawan I Klungkung Regional Technical Implementation Unit will hold a routine program for posyandu activities related to nutrition education for toddlers.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN IBU HAMIL TENTANG ALAT KONTRASEPSI BAWAH KULIT (AKBK) DENGAN SIKAP DALAM PEMILIHAN AKBK DI UPTD PUSKESMAS DAWAN I KLUNGKUNG 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Ni Ketut Raiani Ni Nyoman Budiani Gusti Ayu Eka Utarini <p>The increasing population in Indonesia makes it difficult for the government to reduce the maternal mortality rate (MMR). One effort that can be made is a family planning (KB) program. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between third trimester pregnant women's knowledge about implants and attitudes towards implant selection at the Dawan I Klungkung Community Health Center UPTD. This research uses correlational analytics with a cross-sectional approach. The research was carried out in the 2nd week of March to the 4th week of April 2024. Samples were taken using purposive sampling with a total of 61 respondents. Research instrument with questionnaire. The results of univariate data analysis showed that mothers were aged 20-35 years (88.5%), higher education category (65.6%), private work (50.8%), multipara (62.3%), good knowledge (67 .2%) and positive attitude (54.1%) while bivariate uses a contingency test with a p value &lt;0.05. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between third trimester pregnant women's knowledge about implants and attitudes towards implant selection. It is hoped that the Community Health Center can increase outreach activities related to the importance of contraceptive implants.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda DETERMINAN FAKTOR RISIKO YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERDARAHAN POST PARTUM DI WILAYAH MAKASSAR 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Syamsuriyati Syamsuriyati Siti Maimunah Heru Subaris Kasjono Sunartono Sunartono Juda Julia Kristiarini <p>Secara global, perdarahan post partum adalah salah satu penyebab utama kematian ibu. Di negara berkembang, ini menyumbang lebih dari 30% dari semua kematian ibu. Penilaian faktor risiko perdarahan <em>post partum </em>harus dilakukan selama periode antenatal, intrapartum dan post partum untuk pencegahan tepat waktu morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu terkait dengan perdarahan <em>post partum</em>. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis determinan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi anemia Terhadap perdarahan <em>post partum. </em>Metode Penelitian menggunakan desain <em>case control study </em>dengan menggunakan pendekatan retrospectif. Populasi dalam penelitian ibu post partum dan sampel adalah ibuyang mengalami perdarahan post partum, Teknik pengambilan sampel secara total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 77 kasus dan 77 kontrol sehingga total sampel 154 responden. Uji statistic dengn Odds Ratio dan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perdarahan post Partum lebih banyak ditemukan pada kelompok kasus dengan anemia 67 (87,0%) dibandingkan pada kelompok kontrol 51 (66,2%). menunjukkan bahwa dari 121 (78,57%) orang yang mempunyai risiko anemia, responden yang mengalami perdarahan lebih banyak pada kelompok kasus sebanyak 70 responden, di bandingkan kelompok kontrol yaitu 51 orang (37,5%). Berdasarkan hasil uji statistic odds Ratio dengan nilai 5,09 dengan Tingkat kepercayaan (CI) 0,05 dan Lower limit =2.054 dan upper limit =12,656, oleh karena itu ibu hamil yang anemia berisiko 5,09 kali lebih besar mengalami perdarahan post partum jika di bandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang tidak anemia, sedangkan dalam uji statistic Mann Whitney dengan nila p 0,000, berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok kasus dan kelompok control. Dapat di simpulkan bahwa anemia merupakan faktor risiko terhadap perdarahan post partum.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda FAKTOR PENYEBAB KETIDAKPATUHAN IBU MELAKUKAN IMUNISASI DASAR DI KELURAHAN SIDEREJO HILIR 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Nova Linda Rambe Prisky Ramadhani <p>Within the scope of health services, the preventive sector is the main priority. In the preventive sector, it is a top priority in the scope of health services. One form of health intervention that is very effective in reducing infant and toddler mortality rates in the health service system is immunization. Objective: The aim of this research is to find out the causes of maternal non-compliance with basic immunization in Siderejo Hilir Village. &nbsp;Method: This research uses qualitative methods as a phenomenological approach by producing in-depth information from interview scripts, interview notes and documentation. &nbsp;The research location in this research is located in Siderejo Hilir Village, Medan Tembung subdistrict. There were 5 participants in the research. The overall research time for this research was 3 months, starting from September 21 to December 19 2023. Results: from the results of interviews with the five participants, 100% of them had not carried out basic immunizations for their children. The majority of participants were in their 30s. The majority of participants have junior high school/equivalent education, with the mother's status working as a housewife. Factors that cause mothers' non-compliance in carrying out basic immunizations come from several sources that have been explored. The author is of the opinion that the factors that cause mothers' non-compliance in carrying out basic immunizations include: Education, Knowledge, confidence, work, economy, and family support.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda HEALTH BELIEF MODEL PADA IBU HAMIL DALAM PERILAKU MENGHITUNG GERAK JANIN 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Yessika Riski Melati Nur Eva Aristina Ika Yudianti <p>Monitoring the well-being of the fetus is an important part of the management of pregnancy and childbirth. Health Belief Model (HBM) is a model of individual health beliefs in determining attitudes to do or not to do health behavior. The purpose of this study was to describe the description of the Health Belief Model in pregnant women in the behavior of counting fetal movements during pregnancy. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a total sample of 30 pregnant women who have felt fetal movement. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The research was conducted in July 2022 at PMB Santi Rahayu, Malang Regency. The research instrument used the Health Belief Model questionnaire. The results showed that the most negative perceptions were in the perceived barriers variable (60%) and positive perceptions in the cues to action variable (60%). From the result of the researh it is hoped that midwives can teach how to calculate fetal movement so that pregnant women can apply it independently.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda PENGARUH NUGET KILE (KELOR IKAN LELE) TERHADAP PENINGKATAN TINGGI BADAN BALITA STUNTING USIA 12-60 BULAN 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Saadah Handayani <p>Introduction: One of the health indicators evaluated by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia is to reduce the stunting rate in Indonesia from 24.4% in 2021 to 21.6% in 2022. In Indonesia, there are many possible causes of stunting. Proximate factors, such as complementary feeding as well as related distal determinants, such as the food system. Most interventions to address stunting use fortified foods or supplements; however, there is little evidence on healthy locally available foods. Recommended local foods with high nutritional value are moringa and Clarias Gariepinus. Objective: To determine the effect of giving moringa leaf nuggets, Clarias Gariepinus on increasing the height of stunted toddlers aged 12-60 months. Methods: This type of research is a quasy experiment with a One group pretest posttest design. The study population was stunted toddlers at Paduraksa Health Center, Pemalang Regency aged between 12 to 60 months. 32 respondents were taken as random samples. Univarit analysis with central tendency and bivariate analysis with wilcoxon test. Results: on average there was an increase in height of 0.3 cm / toddler after the nuget kile intervention with a p value of 0.012, meaning that there was an effect of giving nuget kile (moringa Clarias Gariepinus leaves) on increasing the height of stunted toddlers aged 12-60 months.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda PENGARUH PIJAT BAYI TERHADAP MOTORIK KASAR PADA BAYI USIA 6 – 12 BULAN DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS PULAU SAPI 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Fetrie Olavianty Agus Purnamasari Teresia Suminta Rotua Situmorang <p>One of the procedures that is often done on babies is baby massage. Baby massage is a treatment that involves giving a gentle touch to the baby's body, either structured or unstructured. Massage carried out periodically or routinely on babies' feet, stomach, chest, hands, back and stretching movements can improve gross motor development in babies their age. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of baby massage on the motor skills of babies aged 6 - 12 months in the Sapi Island Health Center Working Area. The type of research used is Quasi Experimental, One Group Pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were all babies aged 6 – 12 months who had had their baby's development checked at the UPTD Puskesmas Pulau Sapi in 2024, totaling 15 respondents. Univariate analysis in this research used the frequency distribution of baby age, frequency distribution of gender, frequency distribution of motor development before and after baby massage. Then bivariate analysis uses the Wicoxon Sign Rank Test and before carrying out this test it is necessary to carry out a Normality test on the gross motor variable. Normality test results show sig 0.000 &lt; 0.05, which means the data is not normally distributed, which means the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test can be continued. The results for the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test were 0.000, there was an influence on gross motor development before and after giving massage to babies aged 6 - 12 months. So it can be done regularly to optimize the baby's gross motor development.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda STUDY MIXED METHODS PPNMSS (PERCEIVED PRENATAL MATERNAL STRESS SCALE) TERHADAP TINGKAT STRES IBU REMAJA DENGAN KTD (KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIINGINKAN) 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Risatantry Gultom Wellina Br Sebayang Hotmauli Sitanggang <p>Teenage pregnancy is a global phenomenon with well-known causes and serious health, social and economic impacts. Globally, the Adolescent Birth Rate (ABR) is decreasing, but the rate of change is uneven across regions. Adolescent mothers (aged 10–19 years) face a higher risk of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis, and systemic infections than women aged 20–24 years, and infants of adolescent mothers face a higher risk of low birth weight, preterm birth, and neonatal emergencies. The purpose of this study was to analyze and explore the stress levels of adolescent mothers with PPNMSS in unintended pregnancies. The research method used was a mixed method with a Sequential Explanatory Design approach. The sample in this study was 45 adolescent pregnant women and those who were used as qualitative research informants were adolescent pregnant women who experienced severe stress. This study used a purposive sampling technique. Data collection using the PPNMSS questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Data analysis was carried out using univariate tests with the aim of describing the characteristics of informants and the stress levels of pregnant women. In the bivariate test with the chi square test through SPSS version 25 aims to see what is related to the stress level of pregnant women who are teenagers. While qualitative analysis can be done after finding pregnant teenage mothers with the highest scores who experience stress during pregnancy. The analysis used with thematic analysis with Nvivo 12 Plus software starting from data collection, data reduction, data display, verification and confirmation of conclusions (conclusion drawing and verification). The results of the study showed that pregnant women who were teenagers were mostly 19 years old (33.0%), the majority of junior high school education (42.0%), the majority of teenage mothers did not work (80.0%) and the majority experienced severe stress (29.0%). Based on the Pearson chi-square value (0.001; 0.024; 0.029) showed a relationship between age, education and work with the stress level of pregnant women who were teenagers. The research theme consists of factors causing Unwanted Pregnancy (KTD), coping strategies for Unwanted Pregnancy, the impact of Unwanted Pregnancy. Conclusion: High stress on unwanted pregnancy and high desire among adolescent couples to have abortion, highlight the need for coping strategies and information support from health workers, especially through social media promotion.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda PERAN POSYANDU REMAJA TERHADAP SKRINING ANEMIA REMAJA DI WILAYAH PUSKESMAS KRAMAT KABUPATEN TEGAL 2024-09-30T08:44:17+00:00 Elqy Mei Zumaro <p>Teenage daughters with anemia problems will experience reduced immunity, disturbed concentration, decreased learning performance, fitness problems, productivity, increased risk of death during childbirth, premature birth, and lower baby weight. Consumption of blood supplement tablets can help prevent anemia. The aim of this study is to find out the role of Posyandu Remaja in preventing teenage girls in the Puskesmas Kramat region from developing anemia by 2024. This kind of research is qualitative, so the data comes from observations, interviews, and documentation. Nine informants are composed of health care personnel, chief cadres, teen cadres and teen princesses. In the work area of Puskesmas Kramat, teenage posyandu plays an important role in preventing anemia in teenage daughters. They act as health service providers (motivators, instructors, facilitators, counsellors), connectors between the community and health workers, provide posyandu locations for program interventions, and encourage adolescents to come to posyande. In the case of teenage daughters who take blood supplement pills, the role and posyandu can give a positive effect. This can reduce the number of cases of anemia.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PEMBERIAN ASI EKSKLUSIF PADA BAYI DI KELURAHAN PAYA PASIR KECAMATAN MEDAN MARELAN TAHUN 2023 2024-10-02T09:35:14+00:00 Mira Indrayani Suci Wulandari <p><strong><em>Background : _ </em></strong><em>Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk given to baby since born for 6 ( six ) months , without food companion except vitamins and immunizations . <strong>Objective : </strong>Study This aim For know influencing factors _ Mother providing exclusive breast milk to babies in Paya Pasir Village Medan Marelan District 2023. Method <strong>: </strong>Type of research used da`lam study This is observational analytic with cross sectional approach . Population in study This is all over mother who has baby as well as follow present For follow immunization as well as counseling in Paya Pasir Village Medan Marelan District In 2023 there will be 30 people. Withdrawal sample taken in a way Total Sampling. Testing hypothesis with Chi Square test. <strong>Results: </strong>From the results study show there is influence significant on the variable knowledge (P=0.003), support husband (P=0.000), officer health (P=0.000), efficacy self (P=0.001), social economics (P=0.000). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>In research This that There is influence significant knowledge, support husband, officer health, efficacy self and social economy to exclusive breastfeeding for babies. _ <strong>Suggestion</strong></em></p> <p><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>Study recommend to officer health For give counseling about exclusive breastfeeding _ to mother who has babies in Paya Pasir Village Medan Marelan District .</em></p> 2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda