Aloevera Compress Therapy, Fever, ChildrenAbstract
The initial symptoms of fever are usually caused by infection, autoimmune disease, malignancy, or drugs. Non-pharmacological interventions are still minimally used, one of which is aloevera compress therapy. The purpose of this aloevera compress therapy is used to reduce the body temperature of children who have hyperthermia with a temperature of 37.5oc-38.5oc. The application of aloe vera compress therapy was carried out for 15 minutes, the location of the compression was on the child's forehead, axilla, and groin and observed the child's body temperature for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes after aloevera compressing. The results obtained when the application of the aloevera compress intervention on An.M with hyperthermia in the Adelweis inpatient ward Arifin Achmad Hospital, Riau Province, that before and after the intervention was given there was a decrease in the child's body temperature, before being given an aloevera compress, the child's body temperature is 37.50C, while after being given an aloevera compress, the child's body temperature is 36.60C. Based on the results of the assessment, diagnosis, nursing care plan, implementation and evaluation as well as the application of evidence based nursing, it was found that the effect and proven effective in giving aloevera compress therapy to reduce the child's body temperature. Nurses can add additional interventions in hyperthermic children by doing aloevera compress therapy.
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