Film screenings, Garbage disposal behavior, College studentsAbstract
Adolescence is a transition period to instill clean and healthy behavior (PHBS). One form of PHBS is the behavior of disposing garbage in its place. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of film screenings on the behavior of students' garbage disposal in Akper Malahayati. This type of research is a quasi experiment with quantitative approach and one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample is all Medan Akper Malahayati students in 2019 amounting to 32 people. Primary data collection through questionnaires and secondary data through documentation studies. Univariate data analysis techniques to obtain a picture of waste disposal behavior and bivariate analysis using paired-sample t tests. The results showed that the majority of students' knowledge was good (68.8%), the majority's attitude was good (53.1%) and the majority's actions were good (68.8%). The application of message attainment through film screening proved to be effective in increasing the behavior of students' trash disposal (p <0.05) The researcher suggested to Akper Malahayati Medan to further increase student awareness to dispose of trash in its place.
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