Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN <p align="justify"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA diterbitkan dua kali pada bulan Maret dan September. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi peneliti, peneliti, dan akademisi dalam menyampaikan dan menyebarluaskan hasil riset, gagasan dan pandangan mereka tentang dunia Keperawatan.</span></span></p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ISSN Online: 2597-7172 Cetak ISSN: 2442-8108</span></span></strong></p> Program Studi S1/DIII-Keperawatan Universitas Imelda Medan en-US Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2442-8108 HUBUNGAN KONFLIK PERAN GANDA, KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL, DAN BEBAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PERAWAT PASIEN LANSIA https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1686 <p><em>Background: The performance of nurses tasked with caring for the elderly is greatly influenced by the quality of the services provided. Nurse performance is influenced by several factors, namely: ability, motivation, support received, job existence and nurses' organizational relationships in carrying out their duties to provide health services to patients. Method: This study employed a cross-sectional descriptive correlation design, with random sampling technique. Surveys were administered to assess the performance of nurses. The surveys included questions about the nurses' personal information, professional experience, and other factors that may affect their performance. The study was carried out at multiple healthcare facilities, specifically hospitals and health centers, with a sample size of 128 individuals. The employed analytical methods are Chi Square and multiple logistic regression. Results: There is a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and nurse performance (p=0.009), as well as between workload and nurse performance (p=0.026). Emotional intelligence is the most influential factor on nurse performance, with a statistically significant impact (p=0.027). Nevertheless, the presence of dual role conflict is not deemed to have a substantial correlation with the performance of nurses in delivering nursing services to senior patients. Conclusion: There exists a notable association between emotional intelligence and nurse performance (p=0.009), as well as between workload and nurse performance (p=0.026). Emotional intelligence has the greatest influence on nurse performance, with a statistically significant impact (p=0.027). However, the existence of dual role conflict is not considered to have a significant association with the performance of nurses in providing nursing services to elderly patients.</em></p> Waode Khofifah Endarwati Sri Susanty Adius Kusnan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 123 133 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1686 PREVALENSI PERILAKU PENCEGAHAN INFEKSI SALURAN PERNAFASAN AKUT MASYARAKAT DI PUSKESMAS GUNUNG TINGGI TAHUN 2023 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1588 <p><em>Acute respiratory infection or what is often called ISP is inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria that can be transmitted through air or droplets which is influenced by several factors including behavioral factors such as indoor smoking habits, the use of firewood for cooking and a lack of environmental awareness. Clean and healthy, inadequate ventilation and also insufficient lighting. Bad behavior can increase the spread of viruses and bacteria that can cause ARI.</em><em>This study aims to determine the behavior of community ARI prevention at the Gunung Tinggi Health Center 2023. This study uses a descriptive research type with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study are people suffering from ARI at the Gunung Tinggi Health Center, totaling 2211 people. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, amounting to 92 respondents. The instrument used is a questionnaire with 34 statements of ARI prevention behavior. Based on the results of the study, it is found that the behavior of preventing ARI in the community as a whole showed 58.7% have poor behavior. The results show that the knowledge domain of ARI prevention is 56.5% good, the ARI prevention attitude domain is 60.9% poor, and the ARI prevention action domain is 76.1% poor. It is hoped that the community can raise self-awareness of the importance of health through the prevention of ARI in attitudes and actions such as banning smoking indoors, improving a clean and healthy environment.</em></p> Samfriati Sinurat Lilis Novitarum Agustina Sabarni Tambunan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 134 141 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1588 PENGARUH SENAM OTAK DALAM MENINGKATKAN FUNGSI KOGNITIF DAN KESIAGAAN MENGHADAPI GANGGUAN KONSENTRASI PADA ANAK USIA 4-5 TAHUN DI TK NEGERI PEMBINA SIDIKALANG https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1747 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Education for early childhood is an effort to provide and provide guidance to help the physical and spiritual growth and development of children from birth to 6 years of age so that they are ready to enter the next stage of education. The quality of a child's future development is largely determined by the stimulation they receive from an early age. Providing educational stimulation is very important, because 80% of brain growth develops at an early age. Brain exercises are used as a method to improve cognitive abilities or memory and concentration in children. This research aims to determine the effect of brain exercises in improving cognitive function and preparedness to deal with concentration disorders in students at Pembina Kindergarten, Dairi Regency. The study design in this research is quasi experimental with one group pre test and post test design. Determining the sample for this study used the G-Power application version with T-test, one tail, effect size 0.85, alpha error 0.05, and power 0.80, so a minimum of 16 plus a possibility of error of 10% are needed, so the respondents needed in this study totaling 18 respondents. Brain exercise is carried out 3 (three) times a week for a week and evaluation is carried out on the seventh day. The results of this study used bivariate analysis, namely the Wilcoxon statistical test to identify cognitive function and preparedness for facing concentration problems before and after brain exercise. The results of this study show that there are differences in cognitive function and preparedness for concentration disorders between before and after brain exercise with a P value of 0.002 and a P value of 0.001. This shows that there is a statistically significant difference in cognitive function and preparedness for dealing with concentration problems before and after being given the intervention with a P value &lt;0.05. Conclusion: Brain exercise training has an effect on cognitive function and preparedness for facing concentration problems in children 4-5 years old in Kindergarten Pembina, Dairi Regency.</em></p> Heriaty Berutu Rugun Togianur Lingga Wiwik Dwi Arianti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-09-14 2024-09-14 10 2 142 149 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1747 PENGARUH OROPHARYNGEAL KOLOSTRUM TERHADAP GEJALA INFEKSI PADA BAYI PREMATUR DI RUANG NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1634 <p><em>T</em><em>he problem of prematurity continues to be a concern in today's modern era. Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. One of the efforts to prevent infection in preterm infants is by giving oropharyngeal colostrum to preterm infants. Objective: to analyze the effect of oropharyngeal colostrum on symptoms of infections in preterm infants in the NICU Room of Ummi Hospital Bogor. Method: the type of research used in this study was a pre-experimental design with one group pre-post test design. non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used was the form </em><em>Newborn-Assessment-Observation-Chart and Early Warning Score with Mc Nemar analysis</em><em>. The number of respondents was 26 premature infants. Results: the characteristics of respondents aged one-day premature babies 22 respondents (88.5%). Birth weight ? 1,500 gr 15 respondents (57.7%), and 53.8% were female. Symptoms of suspected infection during the pre-test were 16 respondents (61.5%) and the uninfected category amounted to 10 respondents (38.5%). At the same time, the post-test obtained symptoms of non-infection of 16 respondents (61.5%) and suspected infection of 10 respondents (38.5%). Conclusion: This study obtained p = 0.07 which showed no effect of oropharyngeal colostrum administration on the incidence of infection in premature infants in the NICU room of Ummi Bogor Hospital.</em></p> Farida Hanum Samuel Maju Simanjuntak Nunung Nurjanah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 10 2 150 160 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1634 HUBUNGAN ANTARA KONTRIBUSI EDUCATOR OLEH PERAWAT DALAM DISCARE PLANNING DENGAN TINGKAT KEDISIPLINAN PASIEN GAGAL GINJAL KRONIK YANG MELAKUKAN HEMODIALISA SECARA RUTIN https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1537 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Hemodialysis is dialysis therapy as a kidney replacement in patients with CKD. One of the problems that cause hemodialysis failure is the problem of compliance in patients with chronic kidney failure who undergo hemodialysis therapy. Therefore, the role of health workers is very much needed in providing understanding to patients regarding discharge planning in order to get better care to achieve the patient's quality of life. If the patient is not disciplined in maintaining his life by obediently carrying out hemodialysis therapy according to the doctor's recommendations, shortness of breath, edema, ascites will occur and will cause many long-term complications which will ultimately increase mortality. With quality instructions from nurses or a good understanding of discharge planning, it is hoped that it can improve the discipline of CKD patients in carrying out hemodialysis therapy.&nbsp; This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the contribution of educators by nurses in discharge planning and the level of discipline of chronic kidney failure patients who undergo regular hemodialysis at RSU IPI Medan. This type of quantitative research with a correlation research design.&nbsp; Data collection used was an educator contribution questionnaire by nurses in discharge planning which consisted of 21 questions. The population in this study was all CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy, totaling 52 people. With an accidental sampling technique. The research results were tested using the Chi-Square test with a (p) value of &lt;0.001 &lt;0.05, meaning that there is a relationship between the provision of discharge planning and the level of discipline of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy, so it is hoped that all health workers will provide clear information to patients regarding the importance of carrying out hemodialysis therapy so that the patient's quality of life is more optimal.</em></p> Paskah Rina Situmorang Rugun Togianur Lingga Heriaty Berutu Meriani Herlina Noradina Noradina Bernita Silalahi Yuni Shanti Ritonga Sehardi Natal Harefa Sarida Surya Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 161 168 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1537 PENGARUH HEALTH EDUCATION TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN DAN PERSEPSI PASIEN SEBELUM CAPSULE ENDOSKOPI DI RS PLUIT https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1635 <p><em>Background: Capsule endoscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure to examine the upper digestive tract (small intestine). Capsule endoscopy examinations are still rarely performed by patients for various reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to increase knowledge and perception. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of respondents based on knowledge and perception Research Method: using a cross sectional design. The population in the study were all internal medicine patients at Pluit Hospital, totaling 36 samples. The research sample consisted of 36 people divided into 2 groups with a ratio of 18 respondents in the intervention group and 18 respondents who did not receive intervention or the control group. The research time was from May 2023 to January 2024 with side purpose sampling technique. The intervention carried out was providing education to the control group and instruments used to collect data using questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out univariately and bivariately using the Wilcoxon Test and the Mann - Whitney Test. Research Results: show that there is an influence of Health Education on patient knowledge and perceptions (p value 0.004). Conclusion: Providing Health Education can influence respondents' knowledge and perceptions about carrying out capsule Endoscopy examinations. The recommendation given is that patients should be given Health Education by medical personnel who are experts in each field, such as in this study, nurses who are experts and work in the diagnostic room.</em><em>.</em></p> Utrecht Ezra Novyanauli Blacius Dedi Novie E. Mauliku Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 169 174 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1635 PENGARUH KOMBINASI ACUPRESSURE dan BRISK WALKING TERHADAP KADAR GULA DARAH PUASA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE II https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1627 <p><em>Diabetes mellitus is a disease that has a characteristic sign in the form of an increase in glucose levels exceeding the normal range. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing significantly. Currently, the management of diet, exercise, and the use of pharmacological therapy are options in the management of diabetes mellitus. In addition to these therapies, there are complementary therapies such as acupressure combined with brisk walking. The purpose of this study was to prove the combination of acupressure and brisk walking intervention in influencing fasting blood glucose levels. This research was a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test. This study had 76 respondents with type II diabetes mellitus who were divided into 4 groups and were taken using a consecutive sampling technique. This research was conducted in Bulu Health Center Work Area, Temanggung Regency on April, 7<sup>th</sup> 2021 – May 9<sup>th</sup> 2021. The pre-test and post-test difference test used the paired t-test and the Wilcoxon test. The difference test between groups used the Kruskal – Wallis test and continued with the Post Hoc Mann – Whitney test. This study showed that there were significant differences before and after treatment in all groups (p = 0.001). The results of statistical tests also showed that the combination of acupressure and brisk walking was the best treatment for reducing blood glucose levels (p &lt; 0.05) compared to other treatments. Complementary therapy in the form of a acupressure and brisk walking combination is the most effective treatment in reducing blood glucose levels. </em></p> Galih Mahendra Wekoadi Arwani Arwani Dwi Ari Murti Widigdo Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 175 186 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1627 HUBUNGAN PELAYANAN KOMUNIKASI DAN EDUKASI PERAWAT DENGAN KEPUASAN PASIEN DI RS MEDIROSSA CIKARANG https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1636 <p><em>Background: Nurses are the spearhead of patient recovery while in the hospital, providing good service through good communication and education so that patients feel satisfactory service. One effort to improve patient and family satisfaction is to implement nurse communication and education while patients are hospitalized. Patient satisfaction is one level of achievement of acceptance and response to health services in the form of communication, if nurses do not communicate well it will cause dissatisfaction in patients and families. Objective: To analyze the relationship between nurse communication and education and satisfaction at Medirossa Cikarang Hospital. The object of this study was inpatients at Medirossa Cikarang Hospital. The independent variable in this study was the Communication and Education services of nurses at Medirossa Cikarang Hospital and the dependent variable was patient satisfaction at Meddirossa Cikarang Hospital. Method: The research design used a cross-sectional method. The population of this study was all patients undergoing treatment in the inpatient room for &gt;4 days at Medirossa Cikarang Hospital. The research was carried out from May to July 2023. The data collection technique was total sampling with a sample size of 141 respondents. Results: This study is based on the characteristics of respondents aged 46-55 years, namely 34 respondents (24.1%). The gender of the respondents is male, namely 85 respondents (60.3%), high school graduates, namely 71 respondents (50.4%), respondents as private workers as many as 45 respondents (31.9%). Communication and education of nurses to patients were found to be appropriate as many as 72 respondents (51.1%). Patient satisfaction was found to be satisfactory as many as 83 respondents (58.9%). Conclusion: There is a relationship between communication and education of nurses with patient satisfaction at Medirossa Cikarang Hospital with </em><em>p value &lt;</em> <em>0,001</em><em>. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction levels.</em></p> Sri Ayu Fatmayanti Mira Asmirajanti Setiawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 10 2 187 192 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1636 BEBAN PERAWATAN, KESIAPAN MERAWAT, DAN KECEMASAN PADA FAMILY CAREGIVER ANAK DENGAN KANKER DI INDONESIA https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1719 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Background: Family caregivers (FCs) of children with cancer experience various psychological stresses.</em> <em>Objective: This study aims to identify the relationship between burden of care and readiness to care on family caregiver anxiety of children with cancer.&nbsp; Methods: The design in this study is correlative analytic with a cross sectional approach. We recruited 127 study subjects from the inpatient and outpatient ward of the National Cancer Centre, Jakarta from March to April 2023 using purposive sampling technique.</em> <em>Anxiety and factors affecting the psychological distress of family caregivers of children with cancer were identified with the Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and Preparedness for Caregiving Scale (PCS) instrum</em><em>ents.</em> <em>The data from this study were analyzed using the chi-square test and binary logistic regression. </em><em>Results: O</em><em>f the 132 family caregivers recruited for this study in the initial phase, 127 family caregivers completed the research questionnaire where the majority were female, aged between 18-45 years old, graduated from secondary education, had more than equal income, caring for children with high risk,</em> <em>were in outpatient or paediatric care, experienced mild care burden, said they were not prepared to provide care to a child with cancer, and experienced mild anxiety.</em> <em>Family caregiver anxiety levels tended to be significantly influenced by age (18-45 years) (p=0.004), cancer category (p=0.018) and burden of care (0.001). Conclusion: the heavier the burden of care and the unpreparedness of family caregivers in providing care to children with cancer, the level of anxiety will increase.</em> <em>Suggestion: there is a need to design and target psychosocial interventions to reduce the burden of care, increase care readiness which can reduce family caregiver anxiety levels.</em></p> Nurlelasari Harahap Agung Waluyo Tuti Nuraini Nani Sutarni Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 193 201 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1719 PENERAPAN PIJAT TUINA DAN MINYAK SERAI DALAM MENURUNKAN NYERI DAN MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS TIDUR ANAK DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1713 <p><em>Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is caused by the dengue virus transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which can induce fever. Tui Na massage is a potential alternative therapy with fewer side effects and economic burdens, offering greater flexibility for both parents and children to accept treatment. The purpose is to assess the pain intensity and improvement in sleep quality before and after Tui Na massage therapy. This study employed a single-case study research method in nursing science</em> <em>conducted from October 31 to November 2, 2023, at RSUD Banyumas. The results obtained were before therapy, Patient An. A frequently complained of pain, making sleep difficult. After receiving Tui Na massage and lemongrass aromatherapy oil for 15 minutes daily over three (3) days, there was a decrease in pain intensity and an improvement in sleep quality. Based on the results of the assessment, diagnosis, nursing care plan, impelentation adn evaluation as well as the application of evidence based practice, it was concluded that there was a reduction in pain intensity and an improvement in sleep quality following Tui Na massage therapy combined with lemongrass aromatherapy oil.</em></p> Lutfia Abdunisa Lutfi Deisy Sri Hardini Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 202 209 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1713 KOMUNIKASI, INFORMASI, DAN EDUKASI (KIE) MEDIA FLASH CARD EFEKTIF MENINGKATKAN PERSEPSI IMUNISASI HPV https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1726 <p><em>The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination is a primary prevention measure against cervical cancer. However, the dissemination of information regarding HPV vaccination has not been optimal, leading to negative perceptions among couples of reproductive age about this vaccination. Therefore, the delivery of information through Communication, Information, and Education (CIE) requires the use of appropriate media. This study aims to determine the effect of CIE using flash card media on perceptions of HPV vaccination implementation in Kresn</em><em>ow</em><em>idodo</em><em> Urban </em><em>Village. The design used is a quasi-experimental with a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design, involving 15 respondents in the intervention group and 15 respondents in the control group from the Family Welfare Empowerment group in Kresno</em><em>w</em><em>idodo</em><em> Urban</em><em> Village. The instruments used are flash cards and questionnaires, with data analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The study results show a significant effect of CIE using flash card media on the perception of HPV vaccination implementation, with a p-value of 0.022 (p &lt; 0.05). The small, portable flash cards with pictures help improve the understanding of couples of reproductive age about the importance of HPV vaccination. It is recommended that couples of reproductive age get the HPV vaccination as a preventive measure against cervical cancer.</em></p> Marlinda Marlinda Hani Tussellawati Desi Ari Madiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 210 217 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1726 HUBUNGAN PERAN PERAWAT TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN DAN PENGENDALIAN INFEKSI https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1389 <p><em>Prevention of infections in hospitals is very important to do, given the high incidence of infections in hospitals. This is an important note considering that this infection can happen to anyone, be it patients, nurses, doctors, employees, and so on. The role of the health team, especially nurses, needs to be involved in reducing the number of infections in the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the nurse's role and infection prevention and control in the hospital. This research was conducted in June 2023 at a Tangerang Hospital. This type of research is a quantitative analytic descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling is a total sampling of 100 respondents. The instrument in this study was to use a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Chi-Square Test. The results of the study obtained a p-value &lt;0.05 (0.006) meaning that there is a significant relationship between the role of nurses in infection prevention and control. This study shows that nurses have played a good role in preventing and controlling infection, so it can be concluded that nurses who play a good role, better the infection prevention and control efforts. The recommendation from this study is the need for action from hospital management to improve the quality of the role of nurses by providing motivational support or rewards so that infection prevention and control efforts can be maximized.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sirajudin Noor Serri Hutahaean Dosmaida Nababan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 218 223 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1389 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP IBU BALITA DENGAN UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING DI DESA BINTANG WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS BATANG BERUH KECAMATAN SIDIKALANG TAHUN 2023 https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1685 <p><em>Stunting is a failure of growth and development that can have an impact on the future of children related to the low quality of human resources, namely low intelligence, increased risk of non-communicable diseases, and stunting in adulthood. Prevention of stunting is much easier than treatment of stunting. Talking about stunting prevention interventions not only for toddlers, but mothers are the main subject by strengthening knowledge and attitudes as an effort to increase understanding of stunting so that a positive attitude will reflect to take action so that stunting reduction is achieved. This research is a quantitative study using a ‘Cross Sectional’ research design. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers of toddlers towards stunting prevention efforts. The population in this study were 68 mothers of toddlers. The sampling technique is random sampling and samples that meet the inclusion criteria. The results of the chi square statistical test obtained the results of knowledge p value = 0.001 with stunting prevention efforts as well as the attitude p value = 0.001 there is a close relationship between knowledge and attitude towards stunting prevention efforts. It is hoped that mothers of toddlers can increase knowledge and change mindset attitudes to act to seek information and follow government programmes so that they can make efforts to prevent stunting.</em></p> Risdiana Melinda Naibaho Tiurlan Marasima Doloksaribu Jojor Silaban Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 224 231 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1685 PENGARUH TERAPI SYUKUR DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS HIDUP PASIEN TERINFEKSI HIV https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1585 <p><em>Background: Quality of life remains an important concern for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV). The challenges experienced have a major impact on their well-being, including psychological aspects. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of gratitude therapy on the quality of life of PLHIV. Methods: This study is a pre-experiment with a total of 30 subjects at RSPI Prof. Dr Sulianti Saroso. The sample selection method is purposive sampling with inclusion criteria of adult ODHIV (age &gt;18 years) and actively visiting RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso to take antiretroviral (ARV) drugs every month, while the exclusion criteria are pregnant women. Subjects will undergo gratitude therapy for six weeks. Gratitude therapy was measured with gratitude inventory instrument and quality of life with WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument. Significant changes in average quality of life scores before and after gratitude therapy with Wilcoxon test. Results: The majority of participants were male (70%) with a median (IQR) age of 39.6 (26-52) years. After subjects received gratitude therapy, there was a significant improvement in quality of life, with a mean difference of 4.00 (95% CI: 3.00-5.65; SE 0.693; p-value &lt;0.001) and an effect size measured by biserial rank correlation of 1.00. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that gratitude therapy has a significant and positive impact on improving the quality of life of PLWHA. Gratitude is a necessity in fostering a positive outlook on life. Gratitude therapy can be a standardised form of service in hospitals. Future research with qualitative studies to determine the magnitude of its effect on the psychology of PLHIV.</em></p> Esti Kusuma Rahayu Rohman Azzam Ninik Yunitri Fitrian Rayasari Widia Astuti Barita Ulina Siti Maemun Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 232 237 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1585 STUDI KASUS: PENERAPAN TERAPI RELAKSASI OTOT PROGRESIF UNTUK MENGATASI GANGGUAN TIDUR PADA LANSIA DI SENTRA TERPADU PANGUDI LUHUR BEKASI https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1539 <p><em>Background : Indonesia is currently experiencing a period of demographic growth, moving from a high birth rate to a low birth rate as well as death. so that the elderly population in the future will increase. For the elderly who experience health problems in terms of physical, psychological. This will have an impact on the sleep quality of the elderly. Non-pharmacological methods can be carried out by implementing behaviors that target thoughts, feelings that worsen sleep quality, namely progressive muscle relaxation therapy that does not require technology, costs, special equipment, does not require a special place and time, and is easy to learn so that researchers are interested in conducting studies. case. The aim is to determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy in the elderly who experience sleep disturbances. Methods: The sample in the case study was based on the results of screening using the SQS Single item and was selected based on inclusion criteria, namely &gt;60 years. The number of samples that met the criteria were 5 elderly people. Data was collected through observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out by identifying patterns, comfort and effects during sleep disturbance. In this study, data were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation therapy to treat sleep disturbances in the elderly. Results: This case study shows that after 5 days of therapy, the sleep quality score results from a total score of 15 (poor) the score becomes 36 (good). This shows that progressive muscle relaxation therapy can be an effective alternative non-pharmacological treatment to treat sleep disorders in the elderly. Conclusion Progressive muscle relaxation therapy can be used as an effective treatment option in reducing sleep disturbances in the elderly.</em></p> Mia Kusuma Dewi Amzal Andas Indah Puspitasari Fauziah H Wada I Wayan Romantika Maratun Shoaliha Andi Tenri Nurwahidah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 10 2 238 245 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1539 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN ORANG TUA DENGAN PERAWATAN LUKA SIRKUMSISI PADA ANAK USIA SEKOLAH 10 – 12 TAHUN https://jurnal.uimedan.ac.id/index.php/JURNALKEPERAWATAN/article/view/1591 <p><em>Circumcision (circumcision) is a minor surgical procedure that is generally performed on children. Circumcision is the act of cutting the foreskin on a boy's vital organ, namely the skin that covers the head of the penis. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between parental knowledge and wound care in school-aged children 10-12 years after circumcision. This type of research is qualitative description with a cross tabulation approach. The total population is all children who underwent circumcision (50 respondents) with samples taken using a random sampling system. From the results of the research in univariate analysis, it was obtained: Frequency distribution of the level of knowledge of the majority of parents in the Sufficient category = 27 (54.0%); Frequency distribution of wound care in school-aged children 10-12 years after circumcision, the majority in the Good care category = 34 (68.0%); Frequency distribution of the relationship between parental knowledge level and wound care in school-aged children 10-12 years after circumcision. The majority of parental knowledge levels are in the Fair category and wound care is in the Good category = 31 (62.0%). The results of the bivariate analysis research show that there is a significant relationship p value = 0.01 &lt; ? = 0.05 (significance value 95%; H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted). It is assumed that "There is a correlation (relationship) between parental knowledge and wound care in school-aged children 10-12 years after circumcision". It is hoped that parents can increase knowledge about injuries in school-aged children 10 - 12 years after undergoing circumcision.</em></p> Dewi Astuti Pasaribu Elyani Sembiring Martina Hutahaean Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 10 2 246 253 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v10i2.1591