Author Guidelines

TEXT WRITING INSTRUCTIONS Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Ji-SOMBA) a national journal published twice a year with the scope of Nursing, Midwifery, Medical Records, Pharmacy, Computers, Tourism and Sharia Economics. Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Ji-SOMBA) and case reports theses, dissertations in Indonesian or English. Published manuscripts have gone through the selection stage of the editorial board and have been reviewed by bestari partners. General Terms of Writing 1. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English using 12 single spaced Arial Words on A4 sized pages with normal borders. 2. In Indonesian texts, foreign words must be written in italics. 3. The tables and figures shown are numbered and titled. Table numbering uses Roman numerals and is written above the table, while figure numbering uses Arabic numerals and is written below the figure. Table numbers and titles are written in single spaced Arial 10 letters. 4. Tables displayed in the manuscript must be in tabular format (not images). Also make sure the images displayed are of high resolution. Systematic 1. Title and Author The title is written in Indonesian and English with a maximum length of 15 words. If the manuscript is written in English, an Indonesian title is not required. The author's name is listed without using a title accompanied by the author's institution of origin. The last name of each author is not allowed to be abbreviated. 2. Abstract The abstract is written in 1 paragraph with a length of 200-250 words which briefly contains the objectives, methods, and research results. At the end of the abstract, 3-5 keywords are included. 3. Introduction The introduction contains a brief background, the recentness of the research, and ends with the research objectives that support the research's novelty. 4. Method The research method contains the research design, population and data collection (sampling technique), the number of representative samples, and includes the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Data analysis techniques are presented at the end of the method briefly and clearly. 5. Results and Discussion Each data displayed is discussed comprehensively with the flow: conveying data, comparing it with other similar studies, and presenting relevant theories related to the existing data. 6. Conclusion Conclusions are written in one paragraph, without numbering, and answer the research objectives in a concise and clear manner. 7. Acknowledgment Acknowledgments to those who help (eg funders, for example if the results of research grants are from RISTEK DIKTI), if any. 8. Bibliography The bibliography was compiled using a reference manager (recommended by Mendeley) in the style of the American Psychological Association. The bibliography contains at least 80% of primary references. Referenced sources are new sources with a limit of the last 10 years. Shipping Instructions 1. Manuscripts that will be processed are only those sent by the author online 2. For writers who do not have a username, they are required to register first. For authors who have registered, please login using the existing username and password. Click new submission to submit a new manuscript. There are five stages in submitting a new manuscript, namely: a. Start Put a tick on all the existing checklists related to the readiness of manuscript submission. Make sure the submitted manuscript is in .doc or docx format (not .pdf) b. Upload Submission Select the script file to be sent, then press the upload button. c. Enter Metadata Fill in metadata related to the submitted manuscript, starting from the author's identity, title and abstract, language code, contributors, and bibliography d. Upload Supplementary Files Upload the cover letter according to the format specified in this section by selecting the file to be sent, then pressing the upload button. Cover letter sent in pdf format e. Confirmation This step contains a summary of the submission of a new manuscript, press the finish submission button to end the submission process 3. The editorial board takes 2-3 months to select and review incoming manuscripts until it is decided that a manuscript can be accepted (issuing a letter of acceptance). The author can see the status of the manuscript on the web 4. For convenience and uniformity of format, script templates and cover letter templates have been provided which can be downloaded at