Hubungan Pengetahuan Lansia dengan Personal Hygiene di Desa Lestari Indah Kecamatan Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun
elderly, knowledge, Personal HygieneAbstract
The problem of the elderly is now a sexy thing to talk about, this happens because the number of elderly people is increasing. In 2018 the number of elderly people is estimated to reach 9.3% or 24.7 million or 8.69% of the total population. BPS projects that by 2045, Indonesia has around 63.31 million elderly people (almost elderly) or nearly 20 percent of the population. The UN projects that the percentage of Indonesia's elderly will reach 25 percent in 2050 or around 74
million elderly. Government policies need to be optimized to maintain and improve the health of the elderly and prevent PTM. One of the problems faced by the elderly is self care. Self-care is associated with a decrease in physical health, especially in the fulfillment of personal hygiene. Fulfillment of elderly personal hygiene is closely related to knowledge possessed by the elderly and family. This study aims to determine how the relationship between knowledge of the elderly
and personal hygiene in the Village of Lestari Indah, Siantar District, Simalungun Regency. The research method uses cross sectional. The sample in this study were 75 people and data collection techniques used interviews. The results showed that the knowledge of the elderly majority (82.7%) was good. The majority of elderly personal hygiene (78.7%) are good. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a significant relationship (p value 0.001) between knowledge with personal hygiene of the elderly in Desa Lestari Indah, Siantar District, Simalungun District. The Puskesmas as the foremost base in public health services is expected to provide health counseling, especially regarding personal hygiene for the elderly and kelauarga so that they can maintain and improve health which in the end the elderly can enjoy a long and happy life in old age, even productive so it does not become a burden on the family and Country.
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