Identifikasi Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Kenakalan Remaja menggunakan Metode Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP)
Physical Crimes, Juvenile Delinquency, MFEP, Decision Support SystemAbstract
The problem of juvenile delinquency which is an actual problem in almost every country in the world including Indonesia. Currently, as an illustration of the spread of cases of violations of the law committed by adolescents can be in the form of fights, robbery, robbery, theft, possession of sharp weapons and even misuse of narcotics or various other legal violations. According to statistics in 2013 there were 535 cases and in 2014 there were 723 cases, and based on the data there was an increase of ± 1.35%. Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) is a quantitative method that uses a "weighting system". In the first MFEP all criteria, which are important factors in making consideration, are given appropriate weighting. The same steps are taken for the alternatives to be chosen, which can then be evaluated in relation to these factors of consideration. The MFEP method determines that the alternative with the highest value is the best solution based on the criteria chosen. From the results of this study the results obtained are conclusions and factors that cause physical crime by adolescents so that the community, especially parents can take action to overcome them.
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