Implementasi Metode Naïve Bayes Classifier dalam Melakukan Filterisasi Spam
Email, Bayes, Artificial Intelegent.Abstract
The internet has become one of the most important things in the development of communication facilities. One of the facilities found on the internet is electronic mail or better known as e-mail. E-mail facilities that are easy to use and inexpensive result in many e-mails containing advertising and business promotions entering the inbox of e-mail users. This e-mail advertisement is referred to as spam mail. To prevent this, software that is useful as a spam filter is made to filter e-mail that comes into the user's e-mail facility inbox. Naïve Bayes method is a method used to filter e-mails, this method has a higher accuracy. Email classification can be distinguished, namely the classification system that operates on the mail client (offline) and the mail server (online).
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