Pengaruh Pengetahuan Tentang Sampah dan Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana terhadap Perilaku Ibu Membuang Sampah yang Berpotensi Bencana Banjir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Deli Kota Medan


  • Bernita Silalahi Prodi Keperawatan, STIKes Imelda
  • Meriani Siahaan Prodi Keperawatan, STIKes Imelda
  • Mukhtar Efendi Prodi Keperawatan, STIKes Imelda


Knowledge Garbage, Facility, Infrastructures, Flood.


The result of preliminary survey done showed that public knowledge in throwing garbage away is not yet adequate and facility and infrastructure for garbage management is not adequately available. It is probably able to create a poor behavior of mother in throwing garbage away in the watershed area of Deli river which is potential to inflict flood in the City of Medan. The purpose of this explanatory study was to analyze the influence of knowledge of mothers on the benefit, effect, prevention and availability of infrastructure facilities related to throwing away the garbage potential to cause flood in the watershed area of Deli River in the City of Medan. The population of this study were14.956 housewives living along the bank of Deli River in Medan and 99 of them where selected to be the samples for this study using Slovin formula. The data obtain were analyzed through multiple linear regression tests at ? = 95%. The results of this study showed that public knowledge in responding to the benefits, effect, and prevention through the action of garbage management and tha availability of infrastructure facilities had influence on the bevavior of mothers in throwing away garbage in watersheds area of Deli River which is potential to inflict flood. The management of Medan Municipality Hygiene and Sanitarian Service and related agencies are suggested to apply garbage collectors. The Govenrment of Medan City should plan a regulation regarding the allocation of fund to dredge the bed of Deli River, schedule of activity for once in two years and empower the component of community (health centers, standby village/promoter of environment and NGOs) and communities in controlling flood disaster.


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