Penerapan Metode Waspas untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Penerimaan Siswa/i Baru


  • Murdani AMIK Stiekom Sumatera Utara
  • Ronda Deli Sianturi AMIK Stiekom Sumatera Utara


Decision making, student admission, Waspas


Decision making is very necessary, especially in Elementary School 6 in Subulussalam City Government in accepting new students in Primary School 6 in Subulussalam City Government which is implementing a new student admission by making a selection with the aim that the school can produce students / wi quality. The problem so far is that the committee that participated in the process of admission of new students when making a decision is still ineffective, and there are also students who do not register if they are accepted, often violating the rules and regulations that have been set when admitting new students. These problems need to be studied and need to choose a method to solve that is by implementing a decision support system using the Waspas method in accepting new students so that the problem so far can be resolved quickly and accurately.


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