Analisa Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Perpustakaan di STMIK Budi Darma Medan


  • Berto Nadeak STMIK Budi Darma Medan
  • Sony Bahagia Sinaga AMIK Stiekom Sumatera Utara


Library, Fuzzy


Along with the development of technological advances to encourage experts to develop computers in order to help human work. The era of computerization began around the 1960s when minicomputers and mainframes were introduced to libraries, such as IBM in the industrial world. Customers who enjoy library services that determine the quality of service. Customer perception of service quality is a comprehensive assessment of the superiority of a service. The process of calculating existing customer satisfaction often causes problems that the assessors need a long time to complete the selection, not to mention when the customer satisfaction assessments that handle in the case of the assessment is limited, errors in selection can occur so that it will result in wrong analyzing the level of satisfaction whether the customer is good or not. Fuzzy method is a method that uses language expressions to describe the value of a variable. Fuzzy logic works by using the degree of membership of a value which is then used to determine the results to be produced based on predetermined specifications.


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Proceedings, 1867(August).





