Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pembayaran Pinjamam Kredit BPR. Duta Ardiarta Medan


  • Widya Susanti Sitanggang Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Imelda


Information Systems, Accounting, Credit Loans.


The development of technology, especially computers and achieving competitive advantage, BPR Duta Adiarta Medan requires a form of presentation of information and reports that can be accessed quickly, precisely and accurately to support decision making and improve better services to customers who make loans. The methodology used is the Observation method carried out by literature study, interview method, design method using Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), structure chart. The results of the research are poured into the Accounting Information System for the Payment of the Duta Arta BPR loan credit of Medan. The use of computer-based applications is expected to provide easy processing of data and create reports that can help BPR Duta Adiarta Medan in analyzing and making decisions. Accounting Payment Information System Credit Loans to Rural Banks that are designed to be facilities that are useful for companies in carrying out their business and all parties related to the loan loan payment process can also obtain reports quickly, accurately, and accurately in determining company policy.


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