Hubungan Minat dengan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Program Lintas Minat
interest, critical thinking, biology, moving classAbstract
This study aims to determine the relationship between interest (X1) with the ability to think critically (Y) class X Social Sciences (SS) on the biology study program moving class based on interests. This study is the use of descriptive correlation study. The research sample is taken with a total sampling technique that is all class X SMA Negeri 1 Galang. Data collection techniques such as critical-thinking skills test, the scale of interest. Data analysis technique used is to make use of correlation and regression formula. For SS the conclusion is that there is a relationship of interest with critical-thinking skills correlation value of 0.402 with a regression equation ? = 44.322 + 0, 461X1, self-concept relationship with the critical-thinking skills with a 0.403 correlation value regression equation ? = 46.533 + 0,447X2.
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