Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas tentang Perawatan Luka Episiotomi di RSUD dr. Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2013
puerperal mother knowledge, Episiotomy wound care.Abstract
Good care of the perineum will make the mother feel more comfortable, can return to sexual intercourse and breastfeeding. However, if not done properly can cause perineal pain, post partum depression, episiotomy scar infection (if the perineum is exposed to lochea and is always moist). This research is descriptive in nature using primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to all postpartum mothers in RSUD. dr. Pirngadi Medan in 2013 using a total sampling of 30 respondents. The results of the study of 30 respondents were knowledgeable majority as many as 14 respondents (46.6%), a well-informed minority of 7 respondents (23.3%). Knowledge of respondents based on majority education is sufficient in high school education as many as 9 respondents (30%), minority knowledgeable both in elementary education is 4 respondents (13.3%). Knowledge of respondents based on parity of majority is sufficient in parity 3-4 of 5 respondents (16, 6%), minorities are well-informed at parity 1 and 2 each as much as 1 respondent (3.3%). Respondents' knowledge based on the majority of information sources is enough on the source of information obtained from families of 5 respondents (16.6), a minority of knowledgeable sources of information obtained from health workers and electronic media each of 1 respondent (3.3%). The conclusion of this research is the knowledge of postpartum mothers about the treatment of episiotomy wounds by the majority and it is recommended that postpartum mothers want to increase their knowledge about treatment of episiotomy wounds and implement them properly and correctly, and it is hoped that health workers can provide information using language that is easily understood.
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