Kepemimpinan Transformasional Sebagai Strategi Dalam Membangun Komunikasi Efektif di Rumah Sakit


  • Imelda Liana Ritonga Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Imelda Medan


Transformational, effective communication, hospital


In making a service at the hospital there are new assessments that must be applied to all employees and workers in the hospital, this does not necessarily require assertiveness from a leader, because the leader must be able to make an effective communication with his subordinates, so that things things in doing good service can be realized. So that I as the writer try to do research by conducting a provision for a leader who is assertive and can communicate as a strategy to improve the quality of service in a hospital, in this case the method I use is cross sectional study, namely by conducting a questionnaire to all employees and hospital staff, to obtain definite and clear data as a complementary reference for completing this study.


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