Perspektif Budaya Minang terhadap Perawatan Ibu Postpartum di Wilayah Bromo Kelurahan Binjai Kecamatan Medan Denai
Treatment, Postpartum, Minang CultureAbstract
The postpartum period is a period after the placenta is born and ends when the uterine organs returns to the state before pregnancy, the postpartum period lasts for 6 weeks. Culture or habits is one that affects health status. Among the cultures and customs in society there are benefits, there are also disadvantages, such as postpartum care crried out by the Minang tribe. The purpose of study: to identify and find out how to postpartum care according the Minang culture
in the Bromo Region, Binjai Village, Medan Denai District Methodology: this study uses phenomenological qualitative design. The number of samples in this study were 5 people. Sampling is done using purposive sampling. The process of collecting data through demographic data questionnaries as basic data and in-depth interviews using a voice recorder. Data collection is stopped when it reaches data saturation. Results: the study found that the characteristics of the participants were native Minang, aged 25-35 years, were Muslim, three participants had junior high school education, two participants had high school education, four participants worked as housewives, one participants worked as an enterpreneur. Postpartum treatment of Minang culture includes: Place a stick under the bed and use spraying, Use of octopus, Drink herbs after childbirth, Rib after giving birth, Clean the genitals by using betel stew, Drink chicken eggs mixed with coffee and drink papaya leaves, Eat katuk leaf vegetables, heart bananas and mustard greens.
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