Pengaruh Perilaku Ibu terhadap Konsumsi Gizi Seimbang pada Balita di Kelurahan Sidorejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung Tahun 2019
Balanced Nutrition Consumption, Behaviour, Attitudes, Actions.Abstract
The toddler years are an important period for the development grow up of children. Based on the data obtained from the North Sumatra Health Office, the number of malnutrition patient in North Sumatra up to 778 people. Percentage average malnutrition in North Sumatra of 4.1%. While the national target discovery malnutrition of 5%. Poor nutrition and less still a problem, in the city of Medan are 4.4% of infants with malnutrition, 12.6% of infants with malnutrition. Type of cross sectional survey reach studies. The research was conducted in May - August 2012 in the Kelurahan Siderejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung. The population in this study were all pregnant have children in the Kelurahan Siderejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung. Sampling use the total sampling. The results showed that the majority of respondents in the category of knowledge that is less than the 48 (57.8%), and the minority in that category just 15 people (18.7%), mother's attitude as much as the majority of respondents in the positive category, namely the 50 (60.24%), and the minority in the negative category is 33 people (39.75%), and the mother's actions as much as the majority of respondents in the category of less that 45 people (54.2%), and a minority in the category of less that 16 people (19.27%). Statistical test used multiple linear regression F test (ANOVA) was obtained that F count = 29.170 > F table = 3.109 or p = 0.000 < 0.05. In qualitative can be stated that the two variables have a strong relationship. The conclusion of the can is that knowledge, attitudes, and actions have a significant association with the incidence of malnutrition among children under five in the Kelurahan Siderejo Hilir Lingkungan I Kecamatan Medan Tembung Year 2019.
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