Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Uang Kuliah pada Yayasan Imelda Medan
Information, System, Payment Tuition fee.Abstract
Computers have been very well known and have been used by many people. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done manually. With the help of computers the work can be completed quickly and structured. Computers are a very popular tool now in solving problems used in various fields of science and technology. The development of information technology, then made the design and manufacture of visual basic to get information that has been done manually. The design can be done using several programming languages including Personal Home Page (visual basic). The ability to process data is very important for Imelda Medan students engaged in it. The tuition payment information system at the Medan Imelda Foundation is still using manual systems such as tuition payments and, so it requires very large fees and a long time, the lack of ineffective data search processes can make other jobs neglected and waste time in vain -drain. Therefore the author makes a visual basic that serves to provide information to the public about AMIK, AKPER, AKBID, Medan Imelda APIKES, which has been established, to facilitate the public to obtain registration information and others from the Imelda Foundation in Medan.
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