Perbedaan Kualitas Hidup Berdasarkan Domain Lingkungan pada Lansia yang Tinggal di UPT Pslu Wilayah Binjai dan Medan dengan di Kelurahan Cengkeh Turi Binjai Utara
Quality of Life, The Elderl, Environment DomainAbstract
Advances in science and technology have an impact on improving the quality of life of the elderly and life expectancy, along with this, the number of elderly populationhas also increased. Efforts to improve the quality of life of the elderly in Indonesia could be through home care and aging institution services. The purpose of this study is determine differences in the quality of life based on environment domain of the elderly who live in UPT PSLU Binjai and Medan region and staying in Cengkeh Turi Village Districts Northern Binjai. Study sample consisted of 54 elderly who lives in UPT PSLU Binjai and Medan region aging and 77 elderly who stay Cengkeh Turi Village communities Districts Northern Binjai. The statistical test used was the Median test. Obtained there is a statistically significant difference in the quality of life based on environment domain of elderly people living at aging institution and staying athome (Sig=0,000). Based on the results of this study are advised to continue to improve the services to the elderly, increased productivity, provide health promotion and easiness access to get health care and other public facilities and infrastructure servicesin both places.
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