Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E terhadap Jumlah Sel Sperma Mencit (mus musculus, l.) yang Dipapari Tuak


  • Meriani Herlina Prodi D-III Keperawatan STIKes Imelda Meda
  • Bernita Silalah Prodi D-III Keperawatan STIKes Imelda Meda


Vitamin E; Histological Testes; Sperm; Male Mice; Palm Wine


Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and can protect the biological action of membrane damage by free radicals. A free radicals is an atom or a
molecule without a pair of electrons that can damage the molecules essential for cellular function. Giving antioxidants in the form of vitamin E is proposed to reduce the effects of free
radicals in thebody. This study aims to determine the effect of vitamin E on testicular sperm count in mice given palm wine. In this study 30 healty and fertile adult male mice (Mususculus, L.) strain DD Webster. The 8-11 week old mice (20-35 g) were divided in to 6 treatment groups. The first group (K0) = consisted of 5 mice without treatment for 30 days. The
first treatment group (P1) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) orally at 0.5 ml/day for 15 days. After 15 the palm wine was repleaced with water 0,5 ml. The
second treatment group (P2) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) orally 0.5 ml/day for 30 days. The third treatment group (P3) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) orally 0.5 ml/day for 15 days. After 15 days the palm wine was replaced with 0.25 mg of vitamin E/day administered orally. The fourth treatment group (P4) consisted of 5 mice that were each given bpalm wine (20% alcohol) orally 0.5 ml/day for 30days. After 15 days in addition to the palm wine with 0.25 mg of vitamin E/day was administered orally. The fifth treatment group (P5) consisted of 5 mice that were each given palm wine (20% alcohol) 0.5 ml/day and vitamin E 0.25 mg/day orally. The mice were placed into groups randomly. This study was approved by the USU research ethics committee. The results of this study suggest concurrent administration of vitamin E (0.25mg/day) reduces thenegative affect of palm wine. An increased number of an increased number spermatozoa were observed in treatment group P5 as compared to the other treatment groups.


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