Tindakan yang dilakukan Suami dalam Menghadapi Nyeri Persalinan Kala Satu di Klinik Juliana Dalimunthe Medan Tahun 2018
Facing Labor Pain, Husband, ActionAbstract
The presence of the husband beside the wife, makes the wife feel more calm, better prepared to face the labor process and can help his wife to deal with pain during labor. To deal with labor pain, actions that can be performed by the husband are in the form of non-pharmacological actions, such as skin stimulation or massage or massage, relaxation and imagination. The act of skin stimulation or massage, relaxation and imagination becomes an alternative in providing therapy to reduce pain because it is easy to do (does not require special skills), so that the husband can do it. The purpose of this study was to determine the actions taken by husbands in dealing with first-time labor pain based on non-pharmacological actions of massage, relaxation, and imagination. The design in this study was descriptive aimed at describing the actions of husbands in dealing with first-time labor pain at the Juliana Clinic. Dalimunthe Medan in 2017. The population in this study were husbands whose wives underwent labor in the Clinic Juliana Dalimunthe Medan as many as 50 people from February to April. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling with a total sample of 50 respondents. Data collection techniques using observation sheets and analyzed using univariate analysis by calculating the frequency distribution. The results of this study indicate that of the 50 respondents for massage and relaxation actions performed by husbands were good categories namely 18 people (36%) and 20 people (40%) . While 32 people (64%) and 30 people (60%) had bad category actions. For the act of imagination carried out by the husband of the respondent who has a good category of 15 people (30%). While 35 people (70%), respondents have bad category actions. This study is expected to be an input in improving knowledge in the health sector especially husbands that the presence of husbands in taking action on wives who experience labor has a very important role to help wife in the face of perceived labor pain.
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