Faktor–Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Keluarga yang Menjaga Pasien di Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematangsiantar


  • Julwansa Saragih Akper Kesdam I/BB Pematang Siantar
  • Wisnu Hidayat Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia (USMI)
  • Surya Anita Prodi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia (USMI)


Clean And Healthy Life, Patients’ Family


The Indonesia health profile Data in 2013 show that only 64,41% places have been conducted clean and healthy life. It covers educational institution (67,52%), work place (59,15%), praying places (58,84%), health facilities (77,02%) and others (62,26%). It shows that clean and healthy life in health centres has not been applied properly. This is a descriptive correlative study with cross-sectional approach. This study is conducted in Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar during March-July 2015. The Population are 965 people, and the samples are 91 people. The data are analyzed with univariat, bivariat, and multivariat using double regression logistic test. The results of the study show the factors influence to the factors with clean and healthy life of the patients’ family in Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar in 2015 are knowledge (p = 0,000, OR = 85,474), behaviour(p= 0,001, OR = 72,169), (p = 0,004, OR = 45,098), health workers behaviour (p= 0,002, OR = 62,521). While the belief factor doesn’t influent because p = 0,234. It is suggested to the director of the hospital toinstruct all the nurses working in the wards to give counseling about clean and healthy life to the patients’ family so they can have good knowledge about it.


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