Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Pada Toko Kanaya Jepara Berbasis VB.NET
Information, sales, manual, cashierAbstract
Kanaya Jepara Stores are a type of furniture business that provides and accepts orders for all types of Jepara. In the process of processing sales data, Jepara Kanaya Store still uses a
manual system where daily records are made in handwritten books to store sales data.Therefore, the information needs of customers, employees, leaders, and suppliers cannot be
fulfilled properly, which in turn causes performance improvements to be difficult to achieve. Functions related to the sale of goods include the sales function and recording function. The documents used are receipts, while the records used are sales reports. The purpose of this research is to design and create a computerized sales information system that can make it easier for the cashier to record the sales report of goods at the Jepara Kanaya Store. Sales reports can be generated more quickly and accurately so it is very helpful to the cashier to do reporting to the store owner in making decisions.
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