Analisis Pengaruh Perawatan Kaki dan Penggunaan Alas Kaki dengan Ulkus Kaki Diabetik pada Penderita DM


  • Siti Permata Sari Lubis Program Studi Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan, STIKes Imelda


Ulcers, Foot Care, diabetes


The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia (2014) explains prevalence of diabetic ulcers was 8.7% and amputation was 1.3%. Based on clinical history Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital patients with diabetic foot ulcers were 16.6%. That’s why this study aims to analyze the effect of foot care and using footwear on the incidence of diabetic ulcers at patients of diabetes in Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital 2015. This Research was an analytic survey with matched case-control and implementation using a questionnaire. Population in research was all patients of diabetic ulcers in Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital 2015. The sample was 36 cases and 36 controls. Methods of data analysis with univariate analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regressions. The results of the study showed statistically foot care (OR 12.799 95% CI 3.006 to 54.484), and using footwear (OR 7.275 95% CI 1.766 to 29.965 ) effect on the incidence of events foot ulcers). Based on the results of multiple Logistic regression showed variable which was dominant foot care with OR 1.799 (95% CI = 3.006 to 54.484). Based on the findings of research, it is advisable for Dr. Pirngadi Medan Hospital field that can improve health services, especially for foot care, physical activity, and using footwear with appropriate of diabetic ulcers and patients of diabetes.


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