Sistem Informasi Bongkar Muat Barang pada PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) Medan


  • Elvika Rahmi Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Imelda


Systems, Information, Unloading, Goods


As one of the ports being cultivated, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) Medan strives to have high productivity. The accumulation of goods at the port is a problem that causes many items to be located around or outside the stacking field. Since the port function is only a transit point for goods, it is not natural for goods in the port to be stacked for too long. This results in full stacking space and if there are items that enter again there is not enough space to accumulate so that the items will be stacked around the stacking field. This causes the narrowing of the road which is the access of vehicles to cross becomes difficult to maneuver. Various methods have been carried out for the control and arrangement of goods at the port of stacking, but apparently the service users have not given a good response to the port as a facility provider. Changes in the calculation of stacking period are expected to give a soft warning to service users so that they want to take into account the number of empty containers stacked in the stacking field and not too long to accumulate goods in the port.


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