e-Planning Menerapkan Algoritma Boyer Moore untuk Penyesuaian Usulan Berdasarkan Tupoksi Organisasi Perangkat Daerah
Adjustment of Proposals, Citizens, Local Apparatus Organizations, Boyer Moore's AlgorithmAbstract
The proposal of citizens is a form of sovereignty of citizens or the community to exercise control over the agency managing the development activities currently being implemented in the ePlanning application. Subsequently the proposal was discussed in the kelurahan and then it was discussed in the subdistrict and notified to the Regional Apparatus Organization to be planned and budgeted. The proposal can help the community to have a better life but it must be verified due to budget constraints. Lack of community understanding of their proposals given to the Organization of Regional Apparatus related to the proposals of citizens so that sometimes the proposals are limited to proposals because the community is not sure that they will be confused. Adjustment of proposals based on the duties and functions of the regional apparatus organization facilitates and assists employees, the community, Regional Apparatus Organizations in monitoring, finding solutions quickly and accurately to see proposals based on the duties and functions of the Regional Apparatus Organization. So that it is expected to reduce the time and effort in adjusting the proposal because it has been automatically confessed by the computer system.
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Peraturan Menteri dalam Negeri No. 86 Tahun 2017
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 18 Tahun 2016 tentang perangkat daerah terjadi perubahan sebutan atau istilah, seperti satuan kerja perangkat daerah (skpd) berubah menjadi organisasi perangkat daerah (opd). perangkat daerah terdiri atas sekretariat daerah, dinas daerah, dan lembaga teknis daerah. pada daerah kabupaten/kota, perangkat daerah terdiri atas sekretariat daerah, dinas daerah, lembaga teknis daerah, kecamatan, dan kelurahan.
Rohmat Indra Borman, Penerapan String Matching Dengan Algoritma Boyer Moore Pada Aplikasi Font Italic Untuk Deteksi Kata Asing, Jurnal Teknoinfo, Vol 10 No. 2 Tahun 2016