Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Gizi Anak dan Perempuan pada Kelompok Putri kartini Desa Lubuk Lagan Seluma Barat Kabupaten Seluma
Information Systems, nutrition, children and women, computersAbstract
The information system is a "tool" that can be used, in utilization that is to manage data or information better in the context of providing an overview of the distribution of nutritional
status with causal factors in an integrated manner for appropriate decision making. The analysis was carried out by the process of combining the factors that cause nutritional status in
overlays. Several factors will be reviewed to determine the effect on nutritional status problems in the region. To overcome the problems faced by partners, they will be equipped with the ability to create and use computer-based information systems to recognize the causes of malnutrition of children and women in Lubuk Lagan Village, Seluma Barat Subdistrict so that
they no longer manually collect and map the causes of malnutrition. done now and all data will be stored properly.
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