Pengolahan Data Akuntansi menggunakan Software Accounting Myob Versi 18 pada PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan


  • Dewi Wahyuni Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Imelda
  • Rabitah Politeknik Ganesha


Accounting data processing, financial transactions, financial data input


In the daily activities of PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan still records manually and simply. Based on this, the accounting data processing is applied using MYOB Accounting Software
version 18 to facilitate the preparation of financial statements, especially in determining the cost of goods sold and final inventory of merchandise so that it will be easier to know precisely by using this MYOB Accounting software to determine the company's performance. This research was conducted at the company to examine archival documents regarding financial statements consisting of Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Capital Change Reports at PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan. The process of inputting data is only once posted or journalized based on the classification of transactions in the preparation of computerized financial statements. To ensure the correctness of the data to be input, it is necessary to verify the data by the controller before the data is input to the computer so that no debt arises and all transactions are carried out in cash. This will be arranged based on the trial balance and transactions that occurred in December in 2016. PT. Sumber Usaha Rizkila Medan can also save time and be more thorough in recording operational activities.


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